you have to ignore the christian thing, which is a big chunk of them. those people are in God's party. also, rich people. those people are protecting their stash.
but everyone else, the perfectly normal people that can swallow the palin pill with only a minor grimace and remain staunch. the people that i just dont get. i think i get them. i think i got them while watching an ad for Corwyn, a dude who a few weeks ago was still trying to sell the clinton-screwed it all up before bush even sat down-stuff.
white, middle class people will take their chances with McCain, because they're white and middle class. they think, all things considered, they've got a good chance of coming out ok.
if you're a minority, or poor, or been struggling a long time, or all of the above, change sounds good. if you perceive change as a redistribution of wealth, or even something as vague as a leveling of the playing field, well... most white, middle class Americans don't want the playing field leveled.
now, with the economy the way it is, even these people agree that something needs to be done. but a McCain gentle tug at the till to get us back onto the seas of status quo, that sounds a lot less risky than Obama's hail for uncharted waters.
in other words, if im white and middle class, don't change the game too much, because the odds are pretty good for me. these people aren't stupid, just extremely selfish and short-sighted.