this is herbivorous--if at all possible (and it may not be possible; a lot of docs are resistant) see about getting him on 200/mg twice a day of ubiquinol--Jarrow QH Absorb is a good brand. There are several Japanese studies on getting this into cardiac patients ASAP to prevent/repair cardiac damage.
IMHO, getting Enik on this within days of his infarction was a BIG part of the reason that his heart healed so remarkably well and has remained remarkably stable and healthy.
You may not be able to do this while he is in the hospital (more's the pity), but I would strongly suggest getting this and a good, high-dose fish oil regime started as soon as humanly possible.
Although we don't do this sort of nutritional support nearly often enough, it IS evidence-based medicine, and it DOES help long-term outcomes.
Comments 7
IMHO, getting Enik on this within days of his infarction was a BIG part of the reason that his heart healed so remarkably well and has remained remarkably stable and healthy.
You may not be able to do this while he is in the hospital (more's the pity), but I would strongly suggest getting this and a good, high-dose fish oil regime started as soon as humanly possible.
Although we don't do this sort of nutritional support nearly often enough, it IS evidence-based medicine, and it DOES help long-term outcomes.
Good luck.
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