[L's Gengar Slightly flicks on L's pokegear, seeming to be in something of a rush. Because there's a little red egg with teal spots twitching and rocking, and even if his trainer's not here, he absolutely has to get this on film
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While I question whether its use of language is proportionate to its knowledge of language.... you're correct. His use of language hasn't improved. I think he takes some sort of petty joy in spiting my desire to see things technically correct.
My condolences on the matter, I suppose. Though I'm a little curious as to why you keep him around at all-- considering I'd find him a nuisance even as a bystander, I can only imagine how bad it must be for you as his trainer.
Considering the nature of Ghost pokémon, wouldn't it be dangerous to have one that also possessed the power of electricity around...? [dangerous to your Gear and whatever else you might use, for example...]
I suppose that's true... [a brief pause, as he casts a glance over to his newborn Eevee, who happens to be clinging to him rather closely since her birth.]
Still, that would have almost sounded offensive to the other members of the Team, wouldn't it? [He knows this doesn't really matter, since the other members of the team know L well enough to not let something as trivial as a passing remark bother them too much either way.]
Suppose what you want. It's my experience and learn what you like, or leave it.
Offense...? They know their roles. They understand their value both inside and outside of battle, and any insecurities are generally irrational and met with due incredulity.
Congratulations, meanwhile. [on both the evolution and the newborn.]
...Thank you.
Furthermore... I don't think I actually COULD get rid of him. He's attached to me.
Attached?... Surely you don't mean you can't just leave him in the computer for some amount of time?
My Froslass has been with me since she was a baby Snorunt, and I didn't know the meaning of "loyalty" until she came around.
Still, that would have almost sounded offensive to the other members of the Team, wouldn't it? [He knows this doesn't really matter, since the other members of the team know L well enough to not let something as trivial as a passing remark bother them too much either way.]
Offense...? They know their roles. They understand their value both inside and outside of battle, and any insecurities are generally irrational and met with due incredulity.
I speak of the Team we worked with back home, not the creatures we get here, L. Did you not think they were loyal, at least to their duties?
[Flippant, and complete with your very own embedded insult.]
I think that they behaved as they'd been trained. Their knowledge, what they'd been taught of "procedure" and "ethics"...
[He respects none of this.]
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