Not a rat, not yet a vermin

Jan 15, 2006 12:58

I have infected:
Mike F.
Jonathan S.
Katie C.
Sara F.
Jimmy C. (pending)
Alex J.
Katie W.
Julienne V.

I'm spreading this shit like butter. I'm just over my own disease so now I can sit back and watch the suffering.

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Comments 6

sazzo0o January 15 2006, 18:51:30 UTC
you also infected alex. you son of a bitch


dead_at_last January 15 2006, 20:33:58 UTC
Updated database


necessaryrisk January 16 2006, 00:41:04 UTC
mike my throat hurts


dead_at_last January 16 2006, 16:22:19 UTC
Updated Database


t0rnapart January 16 2006, 09:42:55 UTC
You have no idea.
After I dropped you off I puked my guts out for 8 straight hours.
That is no lie.
If it was you, I'll kill you.
But something tells me food poisoning.


dead_at_last January 16 2006, 16:22:57 UTC
I think it was part me, part your unsanitary eating habits


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