
Jan 16, 2006 22:17

I have infected:
Mike F.
Jonathan S.
Katie C.
Sara F.-Sara's mom
Jimmy C.
Alex J.
Katie W.
Julienne V.-James V.
Joe S.

I'm spreading this shit like butter. I'm just over my own disease so now I can sit back and watch the suffering.

I saw Brokeback Montain today. Jesus Christ. I have enough one liners to last me the rest of my life.

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Comments 2

velveteentorn January 17 2006, 05:46:08 UTC
I cant believe you forgot me on your infected list until I pointed it out! Pfft I'd think the love of your life that you nearly killed with your disease would be at the first of your list.

Oh well... at least you finally saw Brokeback Mountain with me today so I could watch a beautiful love story of two gorgeous naked gay cowboys. I am eternally grateful.

Your company today has turned my pallid cheeks to a more refreshing pink shade. My cheeks are still glowing. I do adore you.


t0rnapart January 20 2006, 08:02:08 UTC
Brokeback Mountain eh?


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