xD No son tan pretty, la verdad, no les daría plata (les robaría los zapatos sí) A todo esto! ayer se me olvido xD Agregame a Facebook? (weno, si no quieres no) Verónica Suing =D! soy la única que sale y es una cosa con rulos (que no es mi pelo) Kisses!!
Haha! Wonder if they made any! Every time Amy & I see beggers on street corners with their signs, we say we should stand there in bikinis with signs that say, "Need money for boob job!" :D I mean, I have big boobs already, and neither of us would ever get a boob job (ewwww), but it would still be hilarious!
One time, we saw some high school guys with signs that said, "Need money for prom!" We would've given them a dollar or something, but they were on the other side of the street. I never give to beggars with the stupid homeless signs, because half the time, they aren't homeless at all, and the other half, they're homeless because of their own choices.
Comments 10
A todo esto! ayer se me olvido xD Agregame a Facebook? (weno, si no quieres no) Verónica Suing =D! soy la única que sale y es una cosa con rulos (que no es mi pelo)
Sabés que desde que me lo cree, ni lo abrí al facebook?! xDDD
En cuanto lo abra te agrego! :D
One time, we saw some high school guys with signs that said, "Need money for prom!" We would've given them a dollar or something, but they were on the other side of the street. I never give to beggars with the stupid homeless signs, because half the time, they aren't homeless at all, and the other half, they're homeless because of their own choices.
and neither of us would ever get a boob job (ewwww)
I totally agree.. EWWWWW! And I have little!! ♥
they're homeless because of their own choices.
and most of the time they want the money to buy alcohol or drugs.. =_=
Ustedes que son muchas ahi en Bcn deberían intentarlo! xDDD
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