Key skills week, Mr. Kennedy's Tokio Hotel knowledge and Cassy Clare fangirling

Jul 05, 2007 23:30

Slightly long winded, rambly entry about a bunch of different junk

Also, here’s a meme thingy of all the userpics of people on my f-pages that I stole. I believe off kultamuru1984 . It takes up a bit of space, so it’s cut

My LiveJournal Friends







Try out this Meme

Brought to you by NardVille

My hair really is the most bizarre colour. I dyed it ‘rouge’ using bloody Stargazer dyes almost six weeks ago and the colour still isn’t out. It’s only supposed to last 6 weeks MAXIMUM. I though, because the purple one washed out so quickly last summer, that this one would too. It really hasn’t.

At first, I loved that way it looked, it was a kind of vibrant scarlet like this

(please excuse the bad quality photo, it was some god-forsaken hour of the morning)

But after a few washes, it faded to a bizarre kind of pinkish gingery colour and has since changed with every single wash. But right now, it’s a really orangey, most unpleasant colour and it’s beginning to annoy me.

Don’t get me wrong, I adore ginger as a natural hair colour, I think it looks really beautiful on girls especially. But I am not ginger. And this isn’t even really ginger it’s bloody orange! And if one more annoying little kid in the years below yells ‘Ginge!” at me, there will be severe consequences for them! I just want to go back to being blonde again, please!

Fred broke my phone. Well, not broke per say. He was wearing my jacket and bent over to wash his hands and my phone fell out of the pocket into the sink. I guess it got a little water-damaged - now there’s this funny mark across the screen and every now and then it has a random spaz at me, but I guess, aside from that, it works.

Monday in school was fantastically disturbing. Basically we had a road safety day which mainly involved a lot of hanging around the block, doing nothing all morning. This, was very enjoyable, Sarah and I spent the entire morning loudly discussing Tokio Hotel slash and coming up with a bunch of plot bunnies and things for me to write when my schedule doesn’t involve the words ‘PSYCHOLOGY COURSEWORK’ in red ink

That afternoon we got to see a car that had collided with a concrete block at 40mph and see the effects it would have had on non-seatbelt-wearing-passengers and watch a bunch of gory promotional videos. Fantastic. Just what I want to hear, considering I got my provisional driving license on Saturday. I didn’t want to get the bloody thing in the first place, but my mother literally forced me to sign the forms. I do not want to drive. There is no way I could afford it, for starters! Also, I have the worst co-ordination in the entire world and am petrified of accidentally killing someone/myself. Another point is the environmental impact of driving a car - NOT GOOD AT ALL. I am planning on living in a sizable German city where they have the Straßenbahn or U-bahn - so I won’t be driving. But my mothers insists that it is a skill I need to have acquired and that I will have acquired by the time I leave home. So that settles it, really.

We also had to do some online religion test thing, to discover which faith we are most like. I scored 100% Unitarian Universalistic (which I had never heard of, but which doesn’t sound too bad) 99% Secular Humanist (which sounded great. They support gender equality and homosexuality and lots of sensible, fair things like that) and 88% Neo Pagan. I was also amused by the fat that I am apparently 33% Scientologist.

Tuesday was alright, if irritating. Last week, I put my name down to do a Food Hygiene certificate. Basically, the choice was that, or help out with small children having an activities day on the field in near-constant drizzle. Basically, it was this really patronizing computer programme, telling us really obvious facts about hand-washing and stuff like that, with little quizzes to got through at the end of each section. But you had to do every part of every section to move on and do the final quiz. And the speaker talked at about two miles an hour. Oh well, at least I have a qualification for it, even if your average monkey could pass the quiz.

I was seriously amused when I went out on the field during the break and we talked to Mr. Kennedy. I was wearing my Tokio Hotel hoody and he said “I know who they are! They’re German!”, grinning proudly with himself.
“How do you know that?” I asked
“I’m hip and down with the kids.”
“Er… okay. But no-one over here really knows them.”
“They were in ’The Observer Music Monthly’ under ‘New bands, rocking your world!’”
Bless him! I do like Mr. Kennedy, he’s alright, even if he does wind me up by calling me ‘emo’. Then, Sarah and I said something along the lines of ‘They are cute and German!” and Kennedy retorted with ‘Louise, no-one is cute and German!’ Naturally, I went and had a look in the Observer Music Monthly when I got home, but I just got frustrated as it called them ‘Nu Metal’ - What the hell? Tokio Hotel couldn’t be Nu Metal if they tried!

That evening, I went over Rhys’s to say goodbye before he flew off to America. I ended up going to Marks&Spencers, Tescos and Borders with him and his dad. It was actually really fun. We had a Lynx fight in Tescos and I whinged that I smelt like a chav boy. Then, in border, I reached over to pick up a Harry Potter poster book, saw a book and gasped so loud everyone turned around and looked. It was ‘City Of Bones’ by Cassandra Clare. I literally had a complete spaz fit and bought it there and then.
For those of you who don’t know who she is, I’ll explain. She is a fanfiction author, possibly one of the best I have ever read, and considering how much fic I read - that’s a bloody good author. Also, she happens to be the author of the first slash fanfiction I ever read. Purely by accident, when I was about 12 years old, I was searching for Harry Potter online, came across a bunch of author names and just by chance, clicked on hers. Anyway, it was an NC-*17 Harry/Draco slash called ‘A Season In Hell’, being 12, I was rather freaked out and stopped reading after Harry kissed Draco and went offline. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it with a little nagging voice in my head saying ‘That was really hot’, so eventually, I went back, read it and it’s sequel, became addicted to slash and the rest, as they say, is History. Basically, without her, I may not be who I am today. Also, she writes incredibly funny HP het with the Draco Series and her LOTR Very Secret Diaries are hilarious. Anyway, cutting it short she is AMAZING. I knew she had a publishing contract and went searching for it about six months ago, before it was even published. This book just made my day. I mean, she started off as a fanfiction author and now look at her - a 400 page novel, only the first installment in a trilogy. And, on top of all of that, it’s excellent so far.

Wednesday was also all over the place. We spent the entire morning having a power-point presentation on how to fill in our UCAS applications and the procedures we have to go through. It was seriously tedious, but I suppose it had to be done.

Today, we came up with this fantastic game in the block. Basically it was like table air hockey, except we played it with coins. We got really competitive and it was excellent. My mood was somewhat dampened, however, when I got home to find an email that Fflam has been postponed, due to all the bloody rain. I guess, this could be a good thing - they are offereing refunds, meaning I could get a refund on my weekend ticket and trade it in for a day ticket, because, really it’s only Placebo I’m interested in. However, Placebo may not play if the new arrangements don’t fit in with their schedule, I may be in Germany for the weekend they postpone it to, etc etc etc. I’m not too worried, more concerned. I just really hope things do work out. Because I don’t see Placebo for whatever reason, there will be hell to pay!

On a lighter note, I have finally sorted out all of my youth hostels and everything for Germany. And yes, I did find a place in Magdeburg. Oh, dear lord, this is going to mean I spend the entire day running around and squealing that the boys may once have been there.

I am going to Berlin, Magedeburg, Köln, Hildesheim, Hannover, Berlin again

I am soo excited now. I found out that Emilie Autumn definitely is playing M’era Luna and will be in the signing tents. I am going to see and meet her twice this summer!
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