Okay. I am so behind with the internets that I don't think I'll be able to catch up, but I miss you guys and I'm here and I want to dive back in.
Thus, some brief thoughts:
On Supernatural 5.08, with spoilers
Overall, I thought it was cute and fun. I did giggle at quite a bit of the teevee stuff. I think I was pleased in particular by the fact that they parodied both Grey's Anatomy and CSI:Miami, and so mercilessly. Those are my two most hated shows that are currently still on. Why, TV gods? WHY? And it must be said, both boys did fantastic Horatio Hornblower Cane impersonations. Hee! And Sam as Kit? That was so fabulous, especially the overt slashiness of Dean riding him, inside him, with his hands in Sam's rear end. Of course, I prefer bottom Dean, but I'll take what I can get.
What struck me most about the episode, however, was the sort of reveal at the end, and not the one about Tricky Gabe. Well, okay, that was pretty interesting, and for retcon, I find that it works quite well; we already know that angels are assholes, and Castiel aside, Tricky Gabe is still the most likable.
What I'm talking about, though, is the reframing of the "Holy" War. It was always there to be seen, but they hadn't put it quite that way and I hadn't really thought about it that way either: This is not a war of good versus evil, or what have you, so much as a long family drama, a battle of deities for dominion over both the natural and supernatural worlds, a fight between two divine brothers with a history that shapes temporal culture.
And this? Makes the whole thing all the more epic. I mean that literally: It is the collision of two epic stories, one mythic (that of the angels, Lucifer versus Michael, Heaven and Hell), and one legendary (that of the Winchesters). This is Hesiod meets Homer, Ovid meets Virgil. And all of that with this season's heavy dose of Milton just makes this show way more complex, thought-provoking, and smartypants than it's supposed to be.
Now if our heroes would just hug some more, and talk more about their love bond, and maybe have a little snuggle, my teevee world would be complete.
On Supernatural 5.07, with small spoilers
Old Dean is hot. There, I said it.