Her blood stained figure on the wall.
Blends with time as new souls fall.
Remnants of her dismal shroud.
Calls' forth to death's beginning, aloud.
Now the blood falls as the tears.
Which she cannot drown for many years.
As her time comes to her end.
At this, her souls morbid friend.
Her family watches like gods but do not comprehend.
That in her
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Comments 4
HOWEVER, I can be pretty good at comedy, and the title "Death Girl" got me thinking of Courtney Love for some reason. So, this is for you, enjoy!
The music is loud
and so is she
spun out on drugs
and stinks like pee
Her plastic face
scares kids away
as well the music
she loves to play
Don't read the blog
it makes no sense
the spelling is off
the topics are dense
This poem is simple
not well thought out
but neither is she
so it evens out.
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