Mar 04, 2007 04:29
about as fun as a dead badger
Feb 17, 2007 04:02
RAWX MY FUNKY STRIPEY LITTLE SOX :D everyone should go and see
Jan 27, 2007 10:50
if no one sees me again then ive gone to Columbia ;)
Jan 24, 2007 16:41
i got a new duck. Kat your off the hook if it was you
Jan 22, 2007 18:24
you know when youve been out drinking and the next day ya cant remember things well on sat there i only got 1/2 way through the night before forgetting stuff that had not long happened like having a chat with a nice girl one of the worst things to forget
and if you stole my duck i will hunt you down GRRR
Jan 14, 2007 15:35
gather you're monoliths in abundance
Nov 23, 2006 14:02
be scared be oh so scared craig bought a camcorder mwahaha
none of u are safe when u sleep in my domain mwahahahaha
keep an eye on you tube