Excerpts from AIMs (My Bro's a Freak)...

May 17, 2003 00:09

Excerpts from our AIM's session this morning [which turned out to be more of a therapy session, if you ask me]. The important stuff is hilighted in red. The rest is just plain amusing. My brother really IS a freak:

IDMT2ucker: can you hear me now
IDMT2ucker: ?
TheMatsRock: What up dude?
TheMatsRock: That's an ugly picture of you.
IDMT2ucker: hahahah
IDMT2ucker: did you get tnhe movie too...
TheMatsRock: Hahahaha. Yeah, that's what I said.
TheMatsRock: What movie?
IDMT2ucker: i sent a movie too... like a 12 second thing
IDMT2ucker: hey ... respond to the talk invite... lets see if we can talk
TheMatsRock: It didn't work.
IDMT2ucker: sorry whaty was that ... that came carbled
TheMatsRock: All I said was, 'Sean?'.
IDMT2ucker: wanna try talking?
TheMatsRock: Sure.
TheMatsRock: How?
TheMatsRock: My push to Talk button is not enabled.
IDMT2ucker: ah you suck!
TheMatsRock: Now it is.
IDMT2ucker: you doun't suck no mo
TheMatsRock: Chris, Chris, Chris.
TheMatsRock: I got that part.
TheMatsRock: It's faint and distant and staticy.
IDMT2ucker: hold on i'll turn up my volume
TheMatsRock: More static.
IDMT2ucker: that's what you get for free shit :-)
TheMatsRock: Now gun shots.
TheMatsRock: Free shit sucks.
TheMatsRock: Unless it's free sex.
IDMT2ucker: yea unless it's a free hand job
TheMatsRock: That never sucks.
IDMT2ucker: hahahahah
IDMT2ucker: just was I was thinking :-)
TheMatsRock: How unlike you.
IDMT2ucker: so how's things hanging?
TheMatsRock: I've got a stinky groin.
TheMatsRock: Didn't shower yesterday.
IDMT2ucker: taht's easy to remade
TheMatsRock: Stinky goin.
IDMT2ucker: yea... soap and water.. no stinky groin
TheMatsRock: What r you doing today?
IDMT2ucker: took care of the lawn.... need to wash the car... wanna take Kim to the gun range... wanna buy another chess clock
TheMatsRock: I'm going to go see The Matrix.
TheMatsRock: Fuck yeah!
IDMT2ucker: sucked
IDMT2ucker: i'd still reccomend seeing it
TheMatsRock: YOU suck!
IDMT2ucker: but just so you don't get your hopes up too much
IDMT2ucker: see it first, then call me an unfair judge
TheMatsRock: k
IDMT2ucker: i had a boner to see that movie for so long
TheMatsRock: I ordered the Animatrix.
IDMT2ucker: there werer some good action scenes
IDMT2ucker: cool i heard about that
TheMatsRock: It doesn't get shipped until the end of this month.
TheMatsRock: It's pretty fucking cool.
IDMT2ucker: i want aname porn
IDMT2ucker: i'm a sick individual
TheMatsRock: Anime [notice I spelled it correctly] is cool.
IDMT2ucker: i spell bad but you have a stinky groin... let the one with the stinky set of man berries cast the first stone
IDMT2ucker: man berries... I love that
TheMatsRock: Juno berries.
IDMT2ucker: i was going to go camping in NY (Bleiheim Mt.) this weekend :-(
IDMT2ucker: didn't get to go
IDMT2ucker: man i'm just craving camping
TheMatsRock: :-\
TheMatsRock: Can I send you something through IM? How?
IDMT2ucker: i wanna just go to cheesequake and camp off the trails there
IDMT2ucker: Hmmm
IDMT2ucker: File->Send File
IDMT2ucker: u got that?
TheMatsRock: Huh?
TheMatsRock: Oh, yeah.
IDMT2ucker: In the upper left hand corner....
TheMatsRock wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker is not accepting file transfer requests.
IDMT2ucker: is it porn?
IDMT2ucker: this is where you stick in the file you wanna send
TheMatsRock wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker is not accepting file transfer requests.
IDMT2ucker: don't knwo why... but you pick the directory first then the file
IDMT2ucker: stupid
TheMatsRock wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker is not accepting file transfer requests.
IDMT2ucker: stupid system i mean, not, "Chris you're stupid"
IDMT2ucker wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker: crap i'm not getting any way to accept it
IDMT2ucker: is it a picture
TheMatsRock: No.
IDMT2ucker: i don't think you're sending correctly... I keep getting the following msg
IDMT2ucker: TheMatsRock wants to get list of files.
IDMT2ucker: like you're trying to query me
TheMatsRock: Huh?
IDMT2ucker: do this.... flick send.... choose the dir... choose the file... then send
IDMT2ucker wants to send file godkills.jpg.
TheMatsRock received C:\Documents and Settings\Christoher Tucker\Desktop\trailer_final_1000_dl.zip.
IDMT2ucker: that's the god kills kittens picture :-)
TheMatsRock: No, that's not what I'm trying to send. Hold on.
IDMT2ucker: i sent you the god kills kittens picture
TheMatsRock wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Christoher Tucker\Desktop\trailer_final_1000_dl.zip.
IDMT2ucker received C:\Documents and Settings\Christoher Tucker\Desktop\trailer_final_1000_dl.zip.
TheMatsRock: No you didn't.
IDMT2ucker: TheMatsRock received C:\Documents and Settings\Sean M. Tucker\Desktop\godkills.jpg.
IDMT2ucker: that sayas you received it
IDMT2ucker: i think i have some funny sthi
TheMatsRock: I just got: C:\Documents and Settings\Sean M. Tucker\Desktop\godkills.jpg.
TheMatsRock: Text, no picture.
TheMatsRock: I dropped my fucking cel phone in a puddle.
TheMatsRock: Fucking cel phone.
IDMT2ucker: the picture is in whatever dir you downloade it to
IDMT2ucker: that sucks... soes it still work?
TheMatsRock: Not really.
TheMatsRock: Did you get MY file I sent you?
IDMT2ucker: you can probably get a new one for like $49
IDMT2ucker: yea
TheMatsRock: Verizon sucks.
IDMT2ucker: why does verison suck?
TheMatsRock: Is the file working?
IDMT2ucker: no
TheMatsRock: They won't give me a new cel phone.
TheMatsRock: Fuckers.
IDMT2ucker: are you sending me viruses ........
TheMatsRock: No.
IDMT2ucker: why not!
IDMT2ucker: didn't you get your phone a long time ago?
TheMatsRock: You can get that from the cheap hookers.
IDMT2ucker: aren't you entitled to an upgrade
TheMatsRock: It seems like I am
TheMatsRock: It seems like about a year since I had the stupid phone.
TheMatsRock: The only that only lets me talk for 45 min with the battery.
IDMT2ucker: is it a year or short of a year
TheMatsRock: It's probably a year.
IDMT2ucker: then you're entitled
TheMatsRock: I got the phone before I moved.
IDMT2ucker: whoever you spoke with is wrong
TheMatsRock: I moved in February.
TheMatsRock: Like I said...
TheMatsRock: Fuckers.
TheMatsRock: I wan't a digital camera phone.
TheMatsRock: That would be cool.
IDMT2ucker: so what if you moved... your contract is still yay long
IDMT2ucker: i don't kow if verison has one
TheMatsRock: No, I moved in FEb.
IDMT2ucker: that is cool though
TheMatsRock: reference point.
TheMatsRock: I't sbeen over a year
TheMatsRock: Feb '01
TheMatsRock: Int's now May.
IDMT2ucker: do you wanna do a conferance call with them?
TheMatsRock: Nah.
IDMT2ucker: if they give you shit i can give shit back
TheMatsRock: I'll probably call them again this afternoon.
TheMatsRock: I can give shit pretty well.
IDMT2ucker: you just spoke to an asshole
TheMatsRock: I think I'm paying for insurance on the phone.
IDMT2ucker: FUCK
TheMatsRock: Therefore I'm more then likely covered.
IDMT2ucker: if this is the case your golden
TheMatsRock: I'm going to be an asshole though.
IDMT2ucker: you can get a phone comperable to your more expensice phone, not the cheap-O
TheMatsRock: I'm going to tell them that if they don't hook me up then I'm going to Sprint.
TheMatsRock: Or AT&T.
TheMatsRock: I'm actually half serious.
TheMatsRock: About switching.
IDMT2ucker: don't say that...... they may say then go and do it... you have rights and you should insist they live up to their end
TheMatsRock: I'm going to.
TheMatsRock: I want a digital phone too.
IDMT2ucker: verison, for good or bad, has the only decent coverage. you'll be sorry if you termintate their service
TheMatsRock: They better give me a digital phone.
IDMT2ucker: the flkip phone you have is a tri-mode digital phone
TheMatsRock: And some hookers.
IDMT2ucker: blow's and phones
TheMatsRock: If they gave me some hookers then I'd probably stay.
IDMT2ucker: bosco limes me more then he likes kim... that is awsome
TheMatsRock: May I'll start a company call Talk & Fuck.
TheMatsRock: Kim's weird.
TheMatsRock: I guess so are you though.
IDMT2ucker: maybe that's why bosco likes me more
TheMatsRock: Poor dog.
IDMT2ucker: you're fucking with my theory
TheMatsRock: What theory is that?
IDMT2ucker: kim was a little wacky aro0ud the edge, so he liked me more
TheMatsRock: Two dysfunctional parents make a healthy dog?
IDMT2ucker: maybe he likes it when i wrestle him to the ground and sniff his ears and paws
IDMT2ucker: or blow up his nose
TheMatsRock: You probably like dog breath.
IDMT2ucker: not so much with the dog breath....
IDMT2ucker: or ass
TheMatsRock: My cats like when I blow up their noses.
TheMatsRock: So does Julie.
IDMT2ucker: your cats like to pee on my shit
IDMT2ucker: hahahahahahah
TheMatsRock: Yeah.
IDMT2ucker: that was fnny ddue
IDMT2ucker: i still laugh no
TheMatsRock: It's all true [except for the part about her likeing it].
IDMT2ucker: i was going to get a ferrit for the boys... but kim said no
IDMT2ucker: i thought they could play and have a good old time
TheMatsRock: She's IS the Emperess!!!
TheMatsRock: Do you remember why?
TheMatsRock: Star Wars Astrology.
IDMT2ucker: think she associates it with trailer trash and she thinks they're smelly and wild
TheMatsRock: I think Star Wars Astrology makes more sense then the other stuff.
TheMatsRock: You have no balls.
TheMatsRock: They went away.
IDMT2ucker: i don't remember the IS thing
IDMT2ucker: my balls are firmly intact
TheMatsRock: Some kids probably playing marbles with them right now.
TheMatsRock: What IS thing?
IDMT2ucker: She's IS the Emperess!!!
IDMT2ucker: Don't understand it
TheMatsRock: Last summer. We were seeing which Star Wars character we were.
TheMatsRock: Kim was the Emperor.
TheMatsRock: She's female theough.
IDMT2ucker: who was I
TheMatsRock: So she's the Emperess.
TheMatsRock: I think C3-PO
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahashaahahahahahahahaha
TheMatsRock: No, just kidding.
IDMT2ucker: fuck that I was drinking malt licker with han in a cantina on masaz-3
TheMatsRock: J's C3-PO
TheMatsRock: I was Han Solo.
TheMatsRock: Seriously.
IDMT2ucker: who was I, I don't even remember playing
TheMatsRock: There are a few SW: Astrology sites.
TheMatsRock: It depends on which site you go to as to which character you are.
TheMatsRock: You don't remember?
IDMT2ucker: no
TheMatsRock: Maybe it was two summer ago.
TheMatsRock: Anyway, Kim is known as The Empress.
IDMT2ucker: u sure i was there
TheMatsRock: 'Cause she took your balls.
TheMatsRock: Yeah, you were there.
IDMT2ucker: if that were true, then how do i get away with the shit I get away with
TheMatsRock: My brother has no balls.
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TheMatsRock: No balls, no balls.
TheMatsRock: My brother has no balls.
TheMatsRock: What exactly do you get away with?
TheMatsRock: Oh yeah, that's right, not having to pay your bills.
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TheMatsRock: This is fun.
IDMT2ucker: This is a feature not a flaw dude...
TheMatsRock: We should do this more often.
TheMatsRock: I'm just giving you shit man.
TheMatsRock: I feel better already.
TheMatsRock: :-D
TheMatsRock: Flaws are features.
TheMatsRock: Features are Flaws.
TheMatsRock: We are all flawed.
IDMT2ucker: a dude at work thinks i have no balls because I don't put my foot down on kim..... like "WOMAN bring me a pot pi"
TheMatsRock: In the kingdom of God.
IDMT2ucker: I quite enjoy not doing bills
TheMatsRock: Just kidding about the God part.
TheMatsRock: You ENJOY doing bills?
IDMT2ucker: I enjoy **NOT** doing bills
TheMatsRock: What, did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast?
IDMT2ucker: haven't done them in years
IDMT2ucker: kim does them
TheMatsRock: Oh, NOT. I missed the not.
TheMatsRock: I know. See, no balls.
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TheMatsRock: Just kidding.
IDMT2ucker: I have a credit card and an ATM card... my balls are intact
TheMatsRock: Then what are those kids playing marbles with?
IDMT2ucker: I bought $500-$1000 recently just 'cuz I wanted it.... got in trouble....... shit was said...... but I still have the shit
IDMT2ucker: the marbles you lost from your head
TheMatsRock: Oh yeah. Huh.
TheMatsRock: Your balls were in my head?
TheMatsRock: Gross.
TheMatsRock: Isn't there a law against that or something?
TheMatsRock: What did you purchase for $500-$1000?
IDMT2ucker: the allowence thing in important. We've saved thens of thousands of dollars in the last year alone. we need that for kids man... i'm firmly attached with my balls on the issue too
TheMatsRock: Prostetic balls?
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
IDMT2ucker: tent snow shoes and stoves and shit
TheMatsRock: Kids smids.
TheMatsRock: Knee biters.
TheMatsRock: Slimy slugs.
TheMatsRock: At least for the first few years.
IDMT2ucker: yea this is all true but they are expensive
TheMatsRock: I don't save thousands of dollars.
TheMatsRock: Ever.
IDMT2ucker: jens babey is cute, but I want the dingoes to take it away because she is an oabnixious parent to be around
TheMatsRock: I hate babies.
TheMatsRock: And kids.
TheMatsRock: Never gonna have them.
TheMatsRock: I guess I'll be single for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time...
TheMatsRock: That's cool with me.
TheMatsRock: Hookers.
TheMatsRock: :-D
IDMT2ucker: i sometimes think i should't pass these geens on... but then i become selfish and say i wanna have my own kids
TheMatsRock: All Americans are selfish.
TheMatsRock: Passing on genes is a dumb reason for having kids.
IDMT2ucker: i couild adopt, but i want my own kids
TheMatsRock: It's very narcissistic.
TheMatsRock: America is a narcissistic place to live.
TheMatsRock: So is my head.
IDMT2ucker: i'm talking about giveing somone bad geens to start life with... an inate drage to have to deal with for all their life
TheMatsRock: I like passing my genes, but I like shooting blanks.
TheMatsRock: Life is pain.
TheMatsRock: That's what makes it fun.
IDMT2ucker: life is pain.. so getting a lead up is good, no?
TheMatsRock: It's the journey that's important.
TheMatsRock: Not the destination.
IDMT2ucker: i don't want to make some kid crazy
TheMatsRock: Pain makes you think.
IDMT2ucker: why don't you hit our knee with a hammer then?
IDMT2ucker: that is pain
TheMatsRock: I think making your kid crazy is your destiny.
TheMatsRock: See Fight Club?
TheMatsRock: You kids going to be a germaphobe.
IDMT2ucker: my geenes make it my destiny... everyone (just about) on dads side is wacko and moms side all have personality disorders
TheMatsRock: Yeah, and now you've got KIM'S side.
IDMT2ucker: kim nor myself care too much for germs
TheMatsRock: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
IDMT2ucker: kims side is solid
IDMT2ucker: smart
TheMatsRock: Yeah, I NOTICED.
IDMT2ucker: live long
IDMT2ucker: good looking
TheMatsRock: Phobic.
IDMT2ucker: of what?
TheMatsRock: Germs and shit.
IDMT2ucker: for instance?
TheMatsRock: What about Bob?
TheMatsRock: You guys are both weirdos.
IDMT2ucker: kim is firmly in the 3 second rule came
IDMT2ucker: came = camp
TheMatsRock: Germs are fun. I like germs.
TheMatsRock: Germs are over rated.
TheMatsRock: A modern neurosis.
TheMatsRock: There's stuff about it in the DSM-IV and shit.
IDMT2ucker: i don't know why you think we don't like germs. we're not like, "yea germs... woo ho" but we don't fear them
TheMatsRock: It's an actual diagnosis.
TheMatsRock: Seriously.
TheMatsRock: Yes you ARE like "Whoo ho."
TheMatsRock: You wouldn't drink my Thai iced tea cause I drank out of it.
TheMatsRock: That's just plan weird.
TheMatsRock: Weirdo.
IDMT2ucker: that's got nothing o do with germs
TheMatsRock: Enlighten me.
TheMatsRock: Enlighten your brother.
IDMT2ucker: it's just nasty. i wouldn't' suck on one of your tird's either... not ecause of germs... because of the nasty coefficent
TheMatsRock: The nasty coefficent is all in your mind.
TheMatsRock: We all create our own realities.
IDMT2ucker: i would put a bug in my mough to squirm around... not because of germs
IDMT2ucker: well if i created a reasity, i live in it and nastyness is firmly intact when it comes to anothers foul mucus
TheMatsRock: I noticed.
TheMatsRock: :-!
IDMT2ucker: but it ain't got nothing to do with germs
TheMatsRock: It's got to do with neurosis.
TheMatsRock: Heh.
IDMT2ucker: how?
TheMatsRock: How, what?
IDMT2ucker: how is it a neurosis?
TheMatsRock: I let you sit with that one for a while.
TheMatsRock: You can meditate on it.
TheMatsRock: I just bought a new light fixture.
TheMatsRock: For my kitchen.
IDMT2ucker: but I don't have to... it's a preferance
TheMatsRock: It's cool.
TheMatsRock: Preferance, neurosis...we all create our own realities...
IDMT2ucker: i prefer to behaive in a manner that does't involve anyone but me
IDMT2ucker: preferance != neurosis
TheMatsRock: So do schizophrenics.
IDMT2ucker: schizophrenics are a danger to themselfs
IDMT2ucker: nor eating anothers saliva isn't
TheMatsRock: Some of them.
TheMatsRock: If I had a digital camera I'd take a picture of my light fixture.
TheMatsRock: It's cool.
IDMT2ucker: schizophrenics may have ticks or something but it's not thinking something that is gross is gross
TheMatsRock: Gross is a relative term.
IDMT2ucker: no its not
IDMT2ucker: ask anywon on the street to kiss you
TheMatsRock: Made up for people who need something to be neurotic about.
IDMT2ucker: who will say, "ok"
TheMatsRock: If she's hot enough.
IDMT2ucker: ask somone to shake your hand
IDMT2ucker: most will
TheMatsRock: Your BROTHER isn't 'anyone' though.
TheMatsRock: You should see my new light.
TheMatsRock: It's cool.
TheMatsRock: It's yellow.
TheMatsRock: I typically don't like yellow, but for some reason it works.
IDMT2ucker: your siliva is yours to keep. I don't want any thank you. Nor do I want prunes. Is not wanting prune juuice neurotic?
TheMatsRock: Very retro/coffee shop looking.
TheMatsRock: Why are we talking about this? Can't you see my attempts at trying to change the subject?
TheMatsRock: Let it go.
TheMatsRock: Sit on it.
TheMatsRock: Meditate on it.
TheMatsRock: Let it go for now.
TheMatsRock: Now, about that new light fixture...
TheMatsRock: I might be getting a digital camera soon.
TheMatsRock: That way I can take pictures of my penis.
TheMatsRock: And send it to YOU!!!
IDMT2ucker: the subject will have no closure if this is the case. Theere are two sides of this. Te correct side is that I'm not neurotic for not wishing to share bodily fluid with people who are not me or Kim
IDMT2ucker: i dont' want that either :-)
TheMatsRock: Denial.
IDMT2ucker: there you go again
IDMT2ucker: you just reserected this
TheMatsRock: Do you have a digital camera?
TheMatsRock: Julie has one but it doesn't work too well.
IDMT2ucker: you never defined how I'm neurotic withough using vaigue things like, "relative"
TheMatsRock: Neurotic is a relative term.
TheMatsRock: We're all lie somewhere in the spectrum of mental illness.
TheMatsRock: At least that's what I tell my clients.
TheMatsRock: I believe it though.
IDMT2ucker: true... but there is a sliding scale.... there are people who lye so far from te scale you can't come close to putting them on it. in this case I am too far from the scale
TheMatsRock: Most mentally ill people think that.
TheMatsRock: Not saying your mentally ill.
TheMatsRock: Just something to think about.
TheMatsRock: What's the sound of one hand clapping?
TheMatsRock: Enlightenment takes time.
TheMatsRock: Time is all we have.
IDMT2ucker: I've never been formally tied to neuroticies so I don't come far enoughalong to thinnk about other issues
TheMatsRock: We are all dieing, one second at a time.
IDMT2ucker: i can't be enlightened to the fact that I'm neurotic if I'm not... and there is nothing you're saying that would indicate I am
TheMatsRock: OK.
IDMT2ucker: i have an old digital camera
IDMT2ucker: it sucks
IDMT2ucker: i want a new one
TheMatsRock: Yeah, so does Julie's.
TheMatsRock: I want a new one too.
TheMatsRock: You should check out the Star Wars Astrology sites.
IDMT2ucker: it takes pictures on floppies which is cool... but there lyes its limitation
TheMatsRock: They're relatively accurate.
IDMT2ucker: what are you in the chinees one
TheMatsRock: I would like a new SLR.
TheMatsRock: Bore.
IDMT2ucker: i'm a fucking rat man... a rat bastard!
TheMatsRock: Like my personality.
TheMatsRock: Boredom is a choice.
TheMatsRock: I choose it far too often.
IDMT2ucker: i sure hope i'm ont a rat bastard!
TheMatsRock: Not very enlightened.
TheMatsRock: Unless I'm on medication.
TheMatsRock: I'm The Scorpio King.
IDMT2ucker: shit
IDMT2ucker: i tried to cut and paste a pic
IDMT2ucker: fuck
IDMT2ucker: fuck
IDMT2ucker: fuck
IDMT2ucker: fuck
TheMatsRock: I've found that most people who believe in astrology generally also believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunner, man-loving lesbians and God.
TheMatsRock: It's stupid.
TheMatsRock: At least that's what I think.
IDMT2ucker: yea but all that shit (specially the lesbians) is fun :-)
TheMatsRock: But I'm just a closed minded, self-centered, opinionated bastard.
TheMatsRock: But i like it that way.
IDMT2ucker: i bought a lava lamp and a black light for my den
IDMT2ucker: i'm going to buy some stars too
TheMatsRock: Now all you need is some of moms pot.
IDMT2ucker: i never had pot man... did you know that
TheMatsRock: Mom smoked all of mine when she came out here.
TheMatsRock: Yeah, I figured that.
IDMT2ucker: i wanna do acid though
TheMatsRock: Mushrooms are better.
IDMT2ucker: i can't though 'cuz it would fuck me all up if I get pissed
TheMatsRock: They're organic, not chemical.
IDMT2ucker: my clearence would be gone, so my job would be gone to
TheMatsRock: There are ways around it, but I wouldn't take the chance.
TheMatsRock: Not with YOUR job anyway.
IDMT2ucker: how can you get around it
TheMatsRock: Detoxify.
TheMatsRock: It's easy.
IDMT2ucker: what is it?
TheMatsRock: Hippies are cool.
TheMatsRock: [Sometimes].
IDMT2ucker: hippies smell bad. a hippie named dragonfly took money from me once
TheMatsRock: It kind of acts like charcoal in your system.
TheMatsRock: Absorbs all the toxins and foriegn substances.
TheMatsRock: Takes less then 24 hours.
IDMT2ucker: that sounds like it would be good for you anyway??
TheMatsRock: But you have to be methodical about it.
IDMT2ucker: like medically I mean
TheMatsRock: Yeah. Have you ever done a clense?
IDMT2ucker: no didn't know about it
TheMatsRock: Mucoid plaque is disgusting.
TheMatsRock: I probably should say no more about it though.
IDMT2ucker: is that the shit you eat?
TheMatsRock: I don't think you could handle it.
TheMatsRock: Knowing about it anyway.
TheMatsRock: It comes from the shit you eat.
TheMatsRock: The american diet.
IDMT2ucker: why can't i handle it... i can handle it! SCREW YOU MAN!! :-)
IDMT2ucker: Hey, watch buffy on tuesday
TheMatsRock: It's worse then germs.
IDMT2ucker: it's the last one
TheMatsRock: OK.
TheMatsRock: I heard about that.
TheMatsRock: I've never watched Buffy though.
IDMT2ucker: fucking sucks balls
IDMT2ucker: that it's over i mean
IDMT2ucker: the one show I absolutly always watch
TheMatsRock: Yeah, I felt that way about Voyager and DS9.
TheMatsRock: Enterprise.
TheMatsRock: It's okay.
IDMT2ucker: i don't like DS0
TheMatsRock: Not many people do.
TheMatsRock: I guess I just like soap operas.
TheMatsRock: I'm really interested in seeing the Jerry Springer opera.
TheMatsRock: I wish I had thought of that.
TheMatsRock: Somebody else always takes the good ideas.
TheMatsRock: :'(
TheMatsRock: I could send you some info on Mucoid plaque if you'd like.
TheMatsRock: I just think it would make you more neurotic though.
TheMatsRock: Maybe that's a good thing though.
TheMatsRock: At least it'd be a healthy neurosis.
TheMatsRock: Getting rid of mucoid plaque is really healthy.
IDMT2ucker: l
TheMatsRock: The stuff builds up and causes your pipes to close.
IDMT2ucker: sorry #2 called
TheMatsRock: Have heart attacks and shit.
TheMatsRock: That's okay.
TheMatsRock: I took care of the duper earlier.
IDMT2ucker: do you like juliana hattenfield?
TheMatsRock: She's hot.
TheMatsRock: Her music is subpar though.
TheMatsRock: At least her solo shit.
IDMT2ucker: do you have an album besides bed
TheMatsRock: The Blake Babies fucking rocked though.
TheMatsRock: Um, what album?
IDMT2ucker: bed... it's the one I have
TheMatsRock: I have the chillies framed in my bedroom.
TheMatsRock: Oh, Bed, I get it.
TheMatsRock: Yeah. I have a bunch of her albums.
TheMatsRock: I'm not too in love with her songwriting.
TheMatsRock: Evan Dando came out with a new album though.
IDMT2ucker: can you make me a copy or two when you send me the T one
TheMatsRock: It's supposed to be as good or better then some of his Lemonheads stuff.
TheMatsRock: Sure.
TheMatsRock: Do you have the Blake Babies?
IDMT2ucker: no
TheMatsRock: They're better. I'll send you them.
TheMatsRock: I've oot to get going. I've gotta run before the Matrix.
TheMatsRock: It's a beautiful day out.
IDMT2ucker: cool.. have fun
TheMatsRock: The mountain's out.
TheMatsRock: Yeah, stay cool.
TheMatsRock: Over and out bro.

"I remember when I was 4 years old, I told my mother I wanted to be a ROCKSTAR when I grow up. She told me it wouldn't be possible to do both." -- Steven Tyler
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