Alright, well you guys asked.
Yeah, you can't see my face and my eyes look red but I don't care. :P
You can read right. Stop rubbing your eyes. "A-B-E-R-C-R-O-M-B-I-E"
My mom's cool shoes she let me wear.
I was rocking it out. they are!
Jesse got a livejournal! That makes me really excited because I didn't have to bug him 10 hours straight to get it. :) You should go check out the layout and stuff too. *Dusts off fingernails* Anyway, he's really awesome, and if anyone gives him shit I'll kick their ass. <3
My major complaint for the day: IT'S FUCKING SNOWING. It's fucking April and it's FUCKING SNOWING!! What the fuck! I don't think it was this bad last year. And I'm freezing! :( *sobs*
I don't really have much to update on. I just had to so you guys could access my mugshots. "Looks like my job here is done."
Hey guys, what is wakeboarding? :o