This week's test is the Iridium Super Stainless Double Edge Razor Blade. They are made in Russia, and come 10 blades to a pack. The package is cardboard, with each blade individually wrapped within.
West Coast Shaving has 100 blades for
$35.90 shipped. I checked Google Shopping and Amazon, and near as I can tell there is literally NO WHERE ELSE this blade can be found. WTF. $0.36/blade.
This is going to be the killer for this blade - it very nearly scored a ZERO for Day 1, as it took a huge chunk out of my chin. Had the scar not healed/looked permanent, it would have remained a ZERO instead of the 2 I raised it to. I stypiced it and it's healing nicely - and didn't really hurt besides - but WTF. That whole "Chicks dig scars" thing is bullcrap.
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 2.0 - Almost a permanent scar. Fuck that.
10/19 - 6.0 - No major scars, but lots of little cuts and bleeding.
10/20 - 6.5 - Slightly - SLIGHTLY - less bleeding than Day 2.
10/22 - 5.0 - More bleeding than Day 2, but nothing stypic-worthy. Lots of little pinkpricks/rawness everywhere.
Never spectacular - it cut hair, sure, but it left a good deal of stubble all over. It got worse as the week progressed.
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 7.0 -
10/19 - 8.0 -
10/20 - 7.5 -
10/22 - 5.0 -
Wear and Tear:
Steadily increasing wear/tear on the blade. Nothing too surprising, save that it took a big hit immediately AND wore down very quickly thereafter.
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 8.0 - Surprising number of dings/etc.
10/19 - 7.0 - More wear/less shine.
10/20 - 6.0 - More wear/less shine.
10/22 - 4.0 - Even more wear, and significant further dings.
Subjective - Feel of Shave:
This is intended for a 'feel' metric DURING the shave.
Never great, but never exceptionally crappy. Just sorta blah.
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 7.0 - Honestly, the massive ding to my face didn't really bring the feel down any further than it would've been normally - it was an alright shave, sure, but one I'd expect from a 3-day old blade. It was a little rough, rougher going against the grain, and left some rawness.
10/19 - 6.0 - More rawness than Day 1, but otherwise very similar.
10/20 - 7.0 - Actual improvement, if barely - little less raw, though it was still pulling at the hair and dragging a bit.
10/22 - 5.0 - Significant decrease - more rawness, more drag, more discomfort.
Subjective - Feel of Face:
This is intended for a 'feel' metric AFTER the shave.
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 8.0 - Raw and with cuts (ha!), but not particularly tender or anything. Some stubble.
10/19 - 7.0 - More stubble than Day 1, but otherwise similar.
10/20 - 7.0 - Similar to Day 2.
10/22 - 5.0 - Significant rawness, soreness, stubble.
Subjective - The Ladies:
In hindsight, I should've done this later in the day and had Laurel check these things while she was more awake. Oh well - at least it's constant?
Daily Scores (of 10):
10/16 - 7.0 - "Aaa, what happened to your chin!?"
10/19 - 8.5 - "You were more careful today!" Thanks a lot, wench.
10/20 - 8.0 -
10/22 - 7.0 -
Overall Score (out of 60) - 38.625
Well, it aien't a Sword or a Dorco. On the other hand, IT NEARLY GAVE ME A PERMANENT SCAR ON DAY ONE.
What part of PERMANENT SCAR is unclear? Fuck this blade!