I have done quite a bit of thinking this past couple of weeks. It's been interesting. I went to the APC concert last wednesday and at first, it felt weird. But then the lights dimmed and everything just disappeared. They are returning apparently May 25 which is pretty damn soon and I will of course go back to see them. Josh went with me this past
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Comments 5
but he also said he wishes he would have gone somewhere completely different than us. to learn their culture, their language..all that kind of stuff.
good luck with whatever you decide, and whatever the future brings you.
p.s. i'm not on your friend's list anymore! =( *sniff*
i thought you said you're just gonna go to england. i'm so confused. are you gonna go there or is it school over there?
keep doing what your doing cuz it seems to be making you happy
maybe APC is Anal Phosphorous Client who knows hehe
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