
Nov 29, 2005 19:49

im so bad at life, i make myself sick.

oh p.s. anyone wanna get an apartment with me? my mom wants me to move out so im saving up for an apartment. let me know if youre interested.

which youre not.

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Comments 6

lostsilencexxx November 30 2005, 01:02:06 UTC
i need to move out.
would it be weird to consider me?


deadinsleep November 30 2005, 01:35:36 UTC
not at all. if it doesnt bother you that would be awesome.


millardkillmore November 30 2005, 08:50:28 UTC
i'm going to get an apartment as well. i was planning on getting one by myself so i could have a lot of time to brood. i'm not getting one till summer '06 though. and i'd much prefer one in amherst. sooooo we probably wouldn't end up getting an apartment together, however awesome that would be.


deadinsleep November 30 2005, 14:17:49 UTC
i dont think that much awesome is allowed in one household.


millardkillmore November 30 2005, 19:56:05 UTC
if we did get an apartment, i would be adamant about having one room set aside for kidnapped people who we force to re-enact family circus strips.

and also i'd like to have a nice doiley on the wall that has the david cross quote: "to laugh is to swallow a secret that santa farted". that would be ideal.


deadinsleep December 1 2005, 04:20:41 UTC
you forgot the water bubbler, but instead of water, its hawaiian punch. aside that you got it down.


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