posy wingbat's dissertation research (41)

Nov 07, 2018 23:25

  • LK wants to note that his belt of Dwarven Constitution was taken off him, so his beard...has fallen off. Like a Keanu Reeves beard.
  • There's only this spiral staircase left.
  • VS and Hal descend down the stairs; the Zorns are holding hands.
  • It's getting...very humid? Like 90% humidity. There's a large circular room with...many plants of the tropical variety and flowers, and artificial sunlight.
  • There's a stream, and moss, lots of things like that. Very rainforest. Lots of snakes.
  • And perched atop a log, a very...rotund humanoid snake-man. Red scales, giant sword, but the sword is...weird? It's not a blade, it's covered in pointy grey scales.
  • He looks at us with some measure of excitement.
  • Quinn is biting back a question to Yex as to whether lizard-guy knows this guy.
  • This guy whispers "you finally made it down here; I didn't think you would survive my men. I am Cervantes...the brood lord! I'll make you a deal: give me the woman Quinn, and I will let you live."
  • Hal asks him to speak up.
  • "I think you should go with him, he seems nice!" Quinn fixes VS with a withering look.
  • "What do you want him for?" Z13 asks. Apparently they want her for...Black Lotus induction?
  • Quinn has a sneaking suspicion that she's the fricking Time Lock child.
  • "I can give you...one of these?" Cervantes offers up a regular snake. "Or 20 thousand gold?"
  • "Did you brood all of these yourself?" "No they're just regular snakes." "Oh I'm sorry that was probably offensive."
  • Yex has assessed Cervantes - he's higher on DEX and AC.
  • Z13 wants to trade Quinn for Zorn for Gate. Quinn whispers back "you know I can hear you."
  • "We'll backstab him and get you back!"
  • Hal, with his hand on Quinn's shoulder, says she should go with him.
  • Yex remains silent - Cervantes is a something of a legend in the reptile community, and he's a little awed. Duplicitous!
  • The tide is rapidly turning against Quinn.
  • Yex says "this guy's a real humdinger, guys."
  • Quinn says why don't you get Zorn and come back?
  • Cervantes offers his ten-thousand-reptilian-soul sword as collateral. Yex is...conflicted. But everybody is on board.
  • It's the real deal, according to Z3, henceforth Chef Zorn. This is a real powerful sword: has the ability to sap magical powers from people, has a mind of its own, can only be wielded by its own master, unless...it's convinced otherwise.
  • The sword is apparently autonomous and can slither around. VS wants to take it and sway it.
  • The Zorns cast Thaumaturgy and yell NO DEAL!
  • I was hoping you would say that, he slithers.
  • It's fight time! Z13 begins with Evard's Black Tentacles. Unfortunately he passes the DEX check. On his turn, he burrows straight into the ground, soulsword first.
  • Chef Zorn backs up and preps a Cone of Cold in preparation. VS similarly backs up, and Hastes a grateful Yex, blowing him a kiss.
  • Yex is now confused. Lizardfolk don't have lips. Kisses don't make sense to them.
  • Hal is also confused and readies an attack for when he emerges.
  • Quinn shouts that he's probably tracking us by footfalls; try to walk without rhythm. She leaps on top of a rock and calls the three Giant Spiders, who promptly spread out and ready Webs for when he attacks. K didn't see anything.
  • Z13 places Kalashnikov on the ground and asks if he feels anything.
  • Kalashnikov...figures out that he's right underneath the Zorns. Very quickly Z13 picks up Kalashnikov and scuttles away, and levitates.
  • Cervantes leaps out of the ground...promptly into a waiting Cone of Cold. Yex is juuuuuuust in the range of the Cone, but passes the CON check.
  • One of the spiders nails Cervantes with a Web! He's quite irked on his being restrained, and spouts off a Dragonbreath in its direction while making a spiral cleave with the soulsword...chopping down a tree while doing so.
  • And...an Intelligence saving throw? Chef Zorn and VS are imperiled: VS doesn't make it, and has a spell slot drained...while also taking a bunch of damage.
  • The first Spider, close to Hal's aura, survives the Dragonbreath. The second Spider also survives. Quinn thankfully aces the DEX check and takes no damage. K definitely doesn't survive this.
  • The Web is sadly burnt away.
  • Z13 Misty Steps away and drops 10 Magic Missiles on Cervantes. 39 damage, in a storm of red magic darts.
  • VS, in a fit of pique, drops Empowered Immolation on him, dealing 30 fire damage. Now he's on fire. And she Misty Steps away.
  • Hal attempts a glaive attack, which hits! A 24 damage Divine Smite.
  • The Spiders get off a single Bite on Cervantes, but sadly he is immune to poison. Their presence puts Quinn into Advantage, loosing a 27 damage Sneak Attack with Nature Bowie.
  • Yex is exhausted: VS' Immolation replaced his Haste, and now he's tired.
  • Z13's Hypnotic Pattern goes off, and Cervantes is Charmed and Incapacitated.
  • "Stop Concentrating on the Immolation!" Z13 yells to a startled VS.
  • We manacle Cervantes.
  • Yex attempts to grab the soulsword: it grows spikes and bites him for 10 damage. No dice.
  • Hal bows to the sword and asks if it would like to live a life of vengeance with him. The sword thinks about it...and goes for it. The Greatsword of Cervantes.
  • Yex is super jealous. Steeltus taps him expectantly on the shoulder. "Ooh, big deal, Most Powerful Sword In The World, fat lot of good you were."
  • The Greatsword of Cervantes...has to be fed with spell slots. Hal is Chaotic Good and is a little...undecided as to whether this is a bad thing for his alignment.
  • An Investigation check later, Quinn sees a weird...burnt seal on his hand, in the shape of an...hourglass.
  • Quinn is starting to get very anxious about whether she's the Time Lock child.
  • Z13 asks about the Time Lock: he tells us that there's 4 more after him in this dungeon.
  • Naruk, the Dark Elf, she's the master of death.
  • Rizzet the Goblin King, lord of traps and mines.
  • Master Zorn (Prime), he's...a Zorn. What is this, the Pagoda of Death? He has strange otherworldly powers.
  • Rodun, the leader of all of them. The puppeteer of the marionettes.
  • Zorn is on the 3rd level: we are currently on the firsssssst.
  • What do they want? Is Quinn the Time Baby?
  • What do you want her for?
  • "We need to sacrifice her existence...so I can rule all the snake people."
  • Holy shit. Quinn is the Time Baby.
  • What are their weaknesses?
  • No idea, we're in a fragile alliance, the last one standing gets the power. It's a tontine of power.
  • Hal deduces that the sword might return to Cervantes and is pro-killing. So's VS and Z13. Everybody piles in with the death dealing, except for Quinn, who is...still somewhat stunned as to this development.
  • Got to figure out how to get them to fight each other. Not going to be particularly viable to fight all of them.


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