posy wingbat's dissertation research (44)

Dec 19, 2018 12:18

  • We're in the Zorn lab. 
  • Hal claps Quinn on the back and says he's with her; so's Z13.
  • VS thinks slavery is a terrible evil, and yeah Quinn might die, but LK might actually die...we're choosing between these things. Unusually eloquently for VS.
  • Hal asks what about the orn-Zay, rime-Pay, how are we going to get him to obey?
  • Quinn coughs in a little embarrassed way and produces the enslavement collar.
  • Nobody knows what it is, they've all cycled characters.
  • "It's a totally magic item that...you know, it makes whoever wears it really want to obey me."
  • Do they like it? Z13 asks.
  • "...sure, why not. It's fine, there are no negative consequences to them, they don't suffer, and again it's totally fine."
  • VS reiterates her position on slavery and seeks confirmation from Dron, who says he hasn't got any compulsions about this.
  • Quinn moves to put the collar on; suddenly, someone springs into the room and screams!
  • A startled Quinn drops the collar and flings a dagger in that direction; it embeds itself in the entertainment pack he holds in front of his face.
  • He didn't know how to get our attention, but he wanted to tell us there's another way.
  • Quinn has her bow drawn. "my goodness! ah! you have bad aim! your aim is terrible! I was just trying to help, I think there's another way!" 
  • Who are you? Z13 asks. How did you get down here? Hal asks.
  • I am a noise bard! My business is my own!
  • Quinn is wavering a little: the bow is very heavy and she's not that strong.
  • Hal keeps the sword up.
  • Yex is totally into it and is inclined to trust anyone with a song that melodious. Reminds him of a ditty he used to hear.
  • Do you hear that? No, Hal responds. You can't, and that's why you don't know the way.
  • Hal trusts him, and lowers his sword.
  • Z13 is going to have his spider stand near him, just in case.
  • The Noisebard - we may have mutual interests - indicates a recessed button on the ceiling, concealed in the stonework of a lion in the mural.
  • We never looked up.
  • VS presses the button!
  • The Noisebard is...a very short half-elf. With a braid down to his butt, in bad clothing.
  • Why'd you point to the ceiling? Z13 asks. The Noisebard leaps up and flicks his braid - with the metal ball at the end - and hits the button.
  • A set of stairs slides down: there's another room upstairs.
  • How did I not see that, Quinn yells.
  • Getting old, Quinn, Yex cackles.
  • The Noisebard goes up the stairs: VS stays behind to watch ZP.
  • There's a roomful of backup Zorns in vats, bits and pieces of failed Zorns...
  • ...and an imposing door. Z13 inspects it and deduces it's a Dimension Door that ZP used to travel around to get rare reagents.
  • Yex is munching on a random bit of Zorn he found.
  • Quinn sidles up to Z13 and says, quick question./hmm?/magic door./yes./you know how to operate them?/no.
  • So...I shouldn't just go murder ZP.
  • No, probably not.
  • Hal says we should go through the door so that we'll get buffer and stronger and come back and off Rodun, like that Manticore we keep talking about.
  • It's canonical that Quinn has a little OCD-ness in her and keeps bringing up the Manticore.
  • Z13 flicks through the channels - literal hell, then a little bit of some robots wandering about, and then Tanarath!
  • We're uncertain as to whether or not to kill him. Quinn hands over an arrow to Z13: he should decide.
  • Let's all vote, Z13 says, but I get two votes because it's really important to me.
  • Z13 votes no. Hal votes no, because there's depths of unplumbed knowledge, there's more to learn, makes you think, doncherthink?
  • VS says we should kill him, and volunteers to Fireball him. I don't think it's a good use of a spell slot, Hal says. I do, VS replies darkly.
  • Z13 remembers that ZP said he couldn't reincarnate under ZoT, so it's fine, he votes to kill him.
  • Z13 Tolls the Dead the unconscious ZP, but it's...unsatisfying. He's comfortably numb. The Noisebard winces under this sonic onslaught.
  • Quinn looks at the dead naked body, then at Z13...and then without looking, shoots the dead body. Just in case.
  • The Noisebard is impressed by the no-look shot.
  • Z13 hasn't got any spare clothes to put on the body as he closes the eyes of the dead ZP.
  • Why are you here? Why are you coming with us? Z13 asks the Noisebard. You got a name? Quinn demands.
  • Quinn searches the secret lab for ten minutes, muttering "it's a secret lab, there's got to be something good here," but discovers nothing.
  • "This is the worst secret lab I've ever been in!"
  • Quinn stealths forward and...discovers a trick stair.
  • On inspection, it's...a giant bomb. A very big bomb. Like, five Fireballs of bomb. 5 smaller bombs.
  • Very carefully Quinn replaces the lid.
  • "There's a bomb. That's extremely a bomb. I've marked it. DO NOT STEP."
  • VS puts Blinking Lights on it so everybody can see and avoid it.
  • Quinn thinks about disassembling the bomb for parts, but...it's too risky. She wants to, though!
  • The next room is...well, there's Rizzet. He's fiddling with some origami, a fat goblin with a blazing red mullet, and the walls are just lined with semi-magical explosives. He's got a giant necklace, really nice rings, and he's surrounded by various bones of food, dirty underwear...
  • Rizzet reluctantly brings us in and offers us some, I don't know, food or something, he doesn't really want to get into conflict today...
  • VS compliments his hair and he says yeah my mother doesn't like it, I just...cut it sometimes with a dagger.
  • He finishes folding his little paper plane, and lazily blows on it....and it's time for Initiative.
  • The plane explodes! Yex, VS, and Z13 are caught in it.
  • Rizzet starts curling up and grunting, and the skin on his shirtless back starts to wiggle around...and then little goblins start crawling out of his back.
  • Quinn discovered something about goblin reproduction today that she never wanted to know.
  • Yex tries three hits: 14/16/20, and only one hits. Dang. Rizzet fails the Goading Strike, though, so now he's got Disadvantage hitting anybody but Yex until next turn.
  • A goblin pulls a stick of dynamite out of the wall, swallows it, glows red, and then...explodes. Quinn is visibly confused, but takes no damage.
  • His friend does the same thing: Quinn takes no damage, and yells STOP DOING THAT!
  • Another goblin runs to the wall, picks up some more, and then explodes again.
  • Quinn Investigates the explosives and deduces that...the dynamite doesn't go off unless there's a soul entwined with it.
  • She Hides, but not before yelling to the others "fire won't start the fuse; they ignite with soul sacrifice!"
  • Hal swings with Cervantes and pulls up her Bluetooth shield; she gets a spell slot back.
  • VS, annoyed at the discourtesy shown to her by Rizzet, reaches for the old chestnut, Immolation. Rizzet doesn't make it: he's now on fire, having taken 30 damage to begin with.
  • Z13 tries for another Banishment, but Rizzet is Charismatic enough to reject it.
  • As a Legendary action, Rizzet shivers a little and spawns another five goblins. This fucking guy.
  • The Noisebard drops a Confusion on this passel of goblins. Rizzet makes it, but the smaller ones don't. It's extremely possible that they will hurt themselves in their Confusion.
  • Rizzet uses another Legendary action, grabs a tiny goblin, and rips off its head...gaining some health back.
  • Dron strides onto the dirty underwear and is disgusted: a Lightning later, they reel about in their 24 damage, turning into dust.
  • Rizzet: still standing. His mullet is completely gone. He's not happy.
  • Another of the little goblins grabs some dynamite and explodes. And then another one!
  • Quinn chucks a bola at Rizzet; he's entangled and furious. K drops some caltrops on his upset self, hopeful that his spawned goblins will be inconvenienced by this.
  • Rizzet attempts to break free with his Legendary action: this does not succeed.
  • Hal drops an insane amount of damage on him with Improved Divine Smite. An upset Rizzet yanks a small satchel out, gulps down some grey clay...and explodes!
  • VS drops unconscious. Rizzet is dead.
  • Hal Lays Hands on VS - 1 point - so she can get back up and Short Rest.
  • Quinn Investigates the room; he's a lot more simple, so there isn't really a lot. Quinn uses her Mage Hand to investigate under the strewn underpants, finding...a really special comb. There's some kind of magical aura around it.
  • She Prestidigitates it clean multiple times - just in case - and then motions Z13 over to have a look. A sour Z13 - bald - goes it's just a comb.
  • He grabs it and strokes a resisting Quinn with it...and suddenly her hair grows really long!
  • Suddenly we remember that goblins...don't actually have hair.
  • Quinn remarks that now we're never going to be short on rope. DM explodes with "I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO FIND SOME INSANE USE FOR THIS"
  • Yex, at 16 points, gets Laid Hands on from Hal.
  • Hal: well looks like you're one of us now, killing folk together, why don't you tell us how you got here?
  • ...I fell into the cave.
  • Noisebard moved to Daggershead voluntarily - gentrification - and Quinn is somewhat astonished by this.
  • Turns out he's been following us for the past few days. 
  • HOW?! sputters a stunned Quinn.
  • Yeah I thought you guys would go through the door, but...I was really agreeing with the other opinions, I just didn't trust, you know...her.
  • A visibly upset Quinn calms, shrugs, and admits, "fair."
  • We've basically cleared this entire dungeon for him, we realise.
  • You guys know the way out? What if I took the magic comb and braided some extended hair and climbed out?
  • That's a really good idea actually.
  • Yex contemplates trying out the scythe, but...he, I don't know, quite likes this gentrifying noise bard.
  • He tries it, multiple times, and now has 40 feet of hair.  He tries it on Z13's spider - it works then too!
  • ...it turns out when you cut it, it just...grows back. So Noisebard just has 40 feet of hair now. He's a white half-elf with dreads.
  • Quinn laughs, and then realises, wait, fuck, that means she has a unicorn forelock that will never go away.
  • You son of a bitch. Z13 shrugs and says you shouldn't have made fun of me while I was emotionally vulnerable.
  • Dismissing the spider and resummoning it doesn't change the hair.
  • It doesn't work on already cut hair.
  • Z13 wants to leave this bright red magic comb behind, but there's no way on earth we're going to.
  • It'll be useful! Probably.


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