stolen from kokoba and diana! BECAUSE I FELT LIKE DOING A MEME
1. What are you happiest with in your life?
oh? oh.... goodness. i'm not really happy with anything ever. but that's just a behavioral problem. i suppose... i'm happiest with the fact that i've written out my comic story? not many people have shown interest yet, but... it'll get there? once i've drawn some stuff for it. i'm just happy to look on my desktop and see that big giant file with my heart in it.
2. What's your favorite obscure color name?
cerulean. the prettiest colour, the prettiest name. :3 ever since i started getting crayolas, i've loved it.
3. Why do you like One Piece?
ahurrhurr. well, it's just such a fantastic world. and the story! it's truly one of those "if you believe in yourself, anything is possible!" stories, and it MAKES you believe it! plus, the characters just become your family. they're all so wildly different, yet they love each other, and it's apparent. and you're drawn into that love. I HEART IT.
4. What would you do if you ruled the world?
oh no. i would destroy it through bad decision making. i never want to be in charge of anything more than a cat. (and even then, i need a little help.)
5. What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?
oh dear. mum says it was going to ireland and living there for ten months. working at the cineworld and walking home at midnight through the bar district, but feeling safe. awwwwwwwwwww. urrland. my home.
1. Favorite blue thing? And favorite orange thing?
oh oh. my favourite blue things are cobalt blue glasses. i adorrrre blue glass. dunno why. just so purty.
and my favourite orange thing is definitely jack-o-lanterns. that's basically the whole reason orange is my fave colour. :D
2. Are my comments on Familiar too mean? Sometimes I am mean and don't realize it, I think. I really do like it, though! I legitimately would not be able to give you any feedback if I didn't like it. I have another chapter with comments to mail, but I'm sitting on it until your housing situation gets sorted. ;_;
oh no! i take your comments very seriously, and have already written a little in response to some. :3 i genuinely appreciate the feedback, oh man do i. i do have spots i need to fill in more, and just needed an idea on how to do it. so thank yooooou.
3. What's your relationship like with your brother?
it's okay. we get along well. and he says he loves me, which is just weird for me. we both love video games, which is good (and which means i get to play devil may cry 5 at his house when i get there! yesss!) we used to have a more hatey relationship, but now that he's grown up, he's out of that. :3
4. What's your favorite thing about your mum?
that she's always fought for me. i have always been a pathetic neural case, and have always needed someone by my side, and there she's been. she's never let anything bad happen to me that she could control. it's wonderful to have a smart, brave champion. <3
5. How did you first get into One Piece?
HURRHURR. well, claire linked me to the comic one day and was like CHECK IT. so i did, and was sucked in immediately. it's such an enveloping story, and so easy to escape into, which is just what i needed and have needed all my life. somewhere to go, and cool people to know.