You know thats a really funny thing to ask. The moment I felt pride, or something like that, because me? I've never felt her *giggles softly*
Sorry, I know, It's not funny, but really you have to see it from my point of view...Pride to me is a friend, she is Shahnaz, well in girl form any way. And the idea of feeling her or anything, just cracks me up. I've never done anything with my fellow sins, not in that sense anyway. I mean, it's just wrong, it's like sleeping with your own sister. *shivers* Plus I have Tarrie, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love her with all my heart, and I hope she feels the same about me. I guess, if I had to choose one, my moment of pride? Letting someone into my heart, I had seen the pain and suffering it had caused Tiras, to loose someone they loved so very deeply, and it always made me too scared to. But now...Oh, I'm like a little school boy. I don't need chocolate for my highs any more, I just think of her and I am on top of the world.
Oh.. got to do it...
'Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom!'
Hearts Desire
I have it, I already have the thing I desire the most... I have Tarrie. She is the most wonderful creature in the world and I love her to pieces. And maybe someday, when she is ready and we are both ready, she will be mine forever.
*sighs happily, laying on the grass*
It's just the way she smiles, I can't help but smile back, she...she has this amazing effect on me, she gives me butterflies, in so many ways! She can actually make them. She got me a kitten too, Radar, he's the cleverest kitten in the world, and he helps me through the time when she is away. I miss her then, I really do. She is away so long sometimes, and I never even know when she is going or when she is coming back. Maybe someday she will take me to the dreaming and then I will be able to find her and go to her instead of having to wait for her to come to me.
So alone:
He sat on the edge pf his bed, looking down at the ground, it had been so long since she had been here, since he had seen or heard from her, it worried him a little, the way she just vanished all of a sudden. He had no idea if she was safe, had no idea of anything. Only that he loved her and missed her with all his heart. He had been throwing himself into everything he could, he didn't want to miss her, but he couldn't help it, she was everything to him. And these days, these long long days without her, days that go to weeks, even longer. I know how Etain feels right now, missing Joxer so much.
Laying back on the bed he looked up at the stars, at their stars, the ones they looked at so many times together. As radar jumped up onto bed and nudged him, he reached out a hand, stroking his fur, 'I miss her too, then way she smiles, her laugh, the happiness she gives me, I just feel alone without her.