Well, here an easy tutorial to know how to credit me, when you use something of here :)
·If you take an icon, you have to do that:
You can see in the image that you can credit me as
deadly_love_ or
You can put too something like :
"By [the lj user here]" or
"Thanks to [the lj user here]"
Your choice :)
Simple, right? Cool. ^^
·Now. If you take a graphic (friends only banner, a header, dunno), you have to credit me in you info...
"[the type of graphic] made by (or just *by*) [the lj user]"
for example:
"Friends Only Banner by
Simple too, :P
Here is the same thing. Except that you can't write the codes of a normal lj user, because...this journal is not on greatest journal.
·(For Icons) You can credit me in this way:
(in the comments part):
"credit: deadly_love_ - LiveJournal"
...or smt like that. The point is = the username and something that indicates the livejournal position of the ...journal :P
·Or, you can do the same thing of the image but with the username "gab_" (is my username there so...if you want , credit me in this way)
·The graphic credits is the same as the icons OR a simple link to the journal ( a href= blah blah ..that thing lol)
·In other sites is the "greatest journal style". With a simple link right here:
http://deadly_love_.livejournal.com/Or, here:
http://gab.notwithoutyou.com/ [optional. is better the link to the journal's principal page :P]
And...i think that's all. Thank youuu
If you don't understand something, just ask me :)