47 years and countin' ladies and gentlemen!
I'll take a moment to talk about each Doctor that I've seen.
I have yet to finish watching all of his episodes ( I know right? omg! ) I am on "Boom Town"...anyways, I thought 9 was fantastic. He was full of this anger, rage, and guilt from the Time War and so terribly lonely. Rose was a great companion for him and I loved seeing them together onscreen. I mean, I started to tear up when the Doctor was going to kill the last Dalek and Rose stopped him. And then the poor Dalek self-destructed.
It's a shame that 9 didn't stay around...
I still have some things to watch with Ten. (Season 3, waters of mars, the christmas invasion). But, he was good, less angry than Nine was. But one thing that sort of always was brought up was that Ten NEEDS someone, just as Donna said, he needs someone to stop him. Ten was also a stud man, he kissed EVERYONE! ('cept Donna. ;D ) and he was very much the type to hold hands. He also didn't insult the human race as much as Nine did.
Where can I start with this wonderful man? I love him to pieces. I'm going to start by saying that he's so ALIEN! He regenerated alone...none of his friends nearby and crashed into a little girl's garden. He's so mad/crazy compared to Ten. While Ten would have these "bursts" of madness, Eleven seems to be in constant motion and energy.
And another thing is that Eleven holds such affection ~ I mean, he kisses Amy's hair for goodness sake! Any forehead kiss and hug is so genuine and heartbreakingly tender <3 (yes, my shippy-ness is totally bleeding through here).
Eleven, I think, is much older than Ten was. Even though he looks younger/the actor is only 28...guh...I just think of him sitting in the Pandorica and he looks so tired...so worn and his voice is all low and whispery.
I really forgot where I was going with this...oops.
Each Doctor has their own charm, their own madness, their own..Doctor-ness, and I am going to bawl my eyes out when it's over for 11. ( I'll know how all those Tennant lovers felt, I guess. ) and Amy better not leave! The Doctor will save her. He saves everyone. <3 I just can't imagine him without Amy Pond...annd there goes my OTP again...taking over. ;D
What was I talking about? Right...um...Happy Doctor Who day! :D