Ok. Yes dearest people reading this journal, I wish for your opinion on porn.
Your opinion on it. The best sites you can recommend. What you consider 'porn' and then what is actually rather tastefully erotic (pin up.. mmmmm). I'm talking every sexuality here too, please let's not assume I'm talking about girl on guy only.
I'm working with this ever increasing libido, don't you judge me! ;)
And.. opinions on bad porn music? Friend of mine mentioned an idea of taking really good electro say and putting it OVER a decent fuck scene can do wonders. Good music definately heightens my sexual experience so.. what would it do for teh porns?
I always used to hate porn when i was younger. It just seemed so.. crap. I kept watching it going 'I could do much better, they haven't captured the moment at all'. I still think I'd like to do some erotic videos not 'porn' per se. To this day 'normal' porn just doesn't get me hot really. i find it boring and dry. I always loved pin up in my teens though and burlesque. The 'tease' aspect of pin up and cheesecake. The women all eminated class and a sort of sexual power. It was really beautiful. I think porn should ideally be about enjoying sex.. but it's clearly not. There is a lot fo crap porn and the industry is so fucking uninterested in the joy of sexual liberation. Let's not fool ourselves here people. I can say confidentally that in a lot of the porn I watch the models are treated really well and actually ENJOY it.
for those of you too squicked to look under cut and talk about porn.. ehm.. here.. Have a dancing world of warcraft monster:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhTxRssxfuI oh yeah.. he talks about porn too... oops?
Also, as a very much side.. .. Good avatars? Anyone? Cus otherwise I'm just gonna make mood ones which are basically Invader Zim....