Name: Burnett, Geoffrey
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5 foot 7 inches / 174cm
Weight: 132lbs / 60kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Birthplace: London, England
Nationality: British
Family History: Geoffrey was born in the suburbs of London, England to a rather affluent and religious family. His father and mother still reside in London. He has no known siblings, but his family has requested his family records sealed unless absolutely necessary for his treatments.
Life History: Born outside of London, England. Spent his younger years in high level academic schools, but often over-looked due to his quiet demeanor. He excelled particularly in history, theatre and literature and attended university to continue these pursuits, focusing on theatre and history especially.
University records cited him as having undergone several counseling sessions in regards to his gender identity disorder (earlier therapy sessions were conducted as a child, but these records are mostly sealed at the parents’ request). During his first year at university, Geoffrey began experimenting with wearing stage makeup in everyday life, although he never went so far as to have a sex change or cross-dress, despite referring to himself with the feminine pronoun and creating short-lived personas in which he could live out his feminine fantasies. When asked if he would like to change sexes, he refused, citing that it would go against his parents’ wishes and the “will of God.”
Second year, he enrolled in the class Criminal Minds of Victorian and Edwardian England and, according to the therapy records, began to change. Geoffrey began reading obsessively on the subject, spending a good deal of time in the library, alone. Students reported thefts in the campus biology room, beginning with anatomy texts and moving up to scalpels and eventually lab animals began to go missing. Library books on the Jack the Ripper case were reported stolen and soon after mutilated remains of the aforementioned missing animals were found in several dorm rooms over the span of the academic year. Geoffrey was questioned and released for lack of evidence.
Third year, Geoffrey returned to campus with his hair long and his mannerisms significantly changed. Originally quiet except on stage and in his therapy sessions, he became boisterous and prone to fits of anger and melodrama. Occasionally, his original personality would appear again, and he would become apologetic, almost pleadingly so as he realized his outlandish behavior was inappropriate. These lucid periods grew fewer as the year progressed and be became increasingly nocturnal, raising alarm among his friends and fellow students. The discovery of mutilated animal remains resumed in a different part of the campus and his friends became worried when they realized that the killings happened at night - right when Geoffrey was at his most active. They reported him to the school counseling center because of his strange behaviors and he did attend a few sessions focused on curbing his behavior, but soon quit going altogether. His academic advisor cut theatre from Geoffrey's program in an effort to calm him down and it appeared to work, as his attentions turned to history instead.
With the extra time, Geoffrey took finishing classes, but never quite excelled in those as he did other subjects. He studied etiquette and cooking, but did rather poorly and eventually dropped those classes unexpectedly in favor of woodworking. He calmed down significantly toward the end of his third year when he met and began seeing a young woman who he and his friends called Red. He mostly returned to his original personality and the outlandish behaviors ceased. The animal killings, however, did not, but focus shifted off Geoffrey since he was often with his girlfriend at the purported times of death.
Fourth year, however, the animal killings escalated to human victims. The first, a young woman, was found near campus on the science building grounds. Although the police investigated, at the time, no suspect was revealed. It was clearly a copycat of the Jack the Ripper killings from the incisions and nature of the victim, a very popular, if promiscuous young woman. Soon after, three more victims were found in succession, spanning the course of a few months. Students were asked to report any suspicious persons in the area and the case was picked up by the media under the title, The Ripper Killings. During this time, Geoffrey continued to be demure, maintaining his original personality, and going so far as to dye his hair black and cease his theatrical and feminine behaviors entirely. He was rarely seen without his girlfriend leading him about, but she seemed to be keeping his behavior in check, and thus escaped further notice.
The final two victims came in November of that same year. According to the witnesses, a gentleman and a young boy, they came upon Geoffrey and his assumed girlfriend, Red, arguing over the mutilated body of a young woman. Both people were covered in blood and when the boy tried to raise the alarm, Geoffrey went after him - only to have Red step in the way. Geoffrey used a tool nearby, a chainsaw, and killed Red in front of both witnesses. Geoffrey and the boy's chaperone wrestled while the boy called the police and Geoffrey was taken into custody and charged with the murders of all seven women.
At the trial, he pleaded no contest to all charges, but during the trial it was revealed that it wasn’t Geoffrey who killed all of the women. Rather, his girlfriend was guilty of most of the crimes, while Geoffrey watched; likely leading him to believe that he was the killer. He was charged with the death of his girlfriend only, and psychiatrists from both sides declared Geoffrey clinically insane after he continued to insist upon his guilt in all seven cases. After careful examination, he was proven to lack the ability to distinguish right from wrong and fiction from reality. They placed him in a local asylum for the criminally insane, hoping to cure him of his delusions and remove him from society. However, it did the opposite and his delusions worsened. He managed to file his teeth into points and began raving about how he believed he was a death god sent to do God's work. He created a new name for this persona - Grell Sutcliffe - and began to use Geoffrey as a cover for his behaviors. At times, it would seem he was lucid - apologizing and even mourning for his girlfriend and the other women - but when praised for his work, he would immediately revert to ‘Grell’ and laud himself and his achievements, including his acting ability.
He soon created an entire fantasy world, based off the Victorian England he idolized with demons and death gods, of which he was one. Despite the staff’s efforts, Geoffrey was consumed until only the ‘Grell’ personality existed. He insisted that an imaginary supervisor, named William (likely based off one of the authority figures in his life), was coming to get him and that he was the true Jack the Ripper. Following this, the local asylum recommended he be moved to a facility better equipped to handle him, but were refused. Geoffrey remained under their care for an extra two years and began to show signs of improvement - his Grell personality subsiding substantially. Still, the asylum insisted that he be moved in order to remove him from his native environment, which they determined essential to breaking him from his fantasy world. His parents have paid for him to be moved to Landel's Institute..
Medical History: Geoffrey is in good physical health and has had no major illnesses to note. He was beaten badly during the struggle preceding his arrest, but no bones were broken. His eyesight is rather poor, however, and he requires prescription glasses. As a child, he underwent various therapy sessions for his gender confusion due to his family’s connections to the Church, and it seemed to have worked up until he entered university. Following his arrest, Geoffrey was placed in a local asylum for the criminally insane, and the doctors there attempted to work through his problems.
However, Geoffrey initially degraded after being institutionalized. At the trial, doctors for the prosecution and the defense determined he was incapable of discerning reality from fiction. He developed his “Grell Sutcliffe” persona during his first asylum stay. Doctors there believed Geoffrey constructed this elaborate fantasy world in which he is a “death god” to bury what little guilt he felt at his actions and his inaction in failing to stop his girlfriend from killing. Instead, he deluded himself into believing that killing the women was his “job,” again to alleviate his perceived guilt in the killings, and for his real crime of killing his own girlfriend.
After two years of intense counseling, Geoffrey showed significant improvement. The staff believed that the Grell personality was receding, if slowly, thus he was transferred to Landel’s Institute to continue his rehabilitation.
Current Status: Geoffrey’s condition seems to have stabilized currently and appears to be experiencing a prolonged period of genuine lucidity. His Grell persona rarely makes an appearance during the day, leading staff to believe he may be on the road to recovery.
Working Diagnosis: Gender identity disorder, possible dissocial personality disorder, possible borderline narcissistic/histrionic personality disorder, grandiose delusions