I've been a bitch to thankgiving,

Nov 19, 2004 19:14

Yes I know the title doesn't make sense but if u read on you'll understand. I've been out of hospitals for the last two months I was DYING. But I was so happy or at least on the outside I pretended to be. And now it's hurts ti smile. I sat outside today and as the wind blew through my hair I felt like someone was there. And it hurt to know who I ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

daria_pyro November 21 2004, 02:42:55 UTC
I HATE Thanksgiving.
It's so depressing.
But at least you're not obligated to send cards or presents to anyone.


deadlypoeticgrl November 22 2004, 00:57:06 UTC
I I have to sit at the kiddie table so don't talk about sucky thanksgiving


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