The Inevitable return of the great white hype

Sep 09, 2007 02:37

So I is back. also is late and i brain dead so english is not real strong suit.

Left Wednesday around 7 got into Madison around 3am(2 am local time) (8 hours), but did get some stop time when we found an IHOP, tasty, tasty IHOP, stupid Bloomington for not having one, me and Avery both happy

Woke up too damned early. Went out to lunch with Akira!. mmmmmmm tasty sushi. and good seeing friend

Returned the rental car and began to drive my new car to Minneapolis. Stopped to get air in tire and guess what, tire needs to be replaced. grumble, grumble, grumble.

$75 and about 20 minutes later back on the road. make wrong turn, but thankfully not too wrong of a turn so trip to Minneapolis - 5 1/2 hours

Kind of sad goodbye, but not as bad as it could have been. got Avery to airport, checked in and to the security checkpoint. Thankfully her bags were under weight, if just barely. apparently you have to pay extra for bags over 50 lbs, but are allowed to take bags up to 70lbs. stupid people gouging everyway possible.

Get back in car, take an hour to recover my composure before begin long drive alone. Thankfully once start driving, emotions go away, and just sing loudly for 4 hour drive.

Get back to Akira!'s at about 1 am, hang out for a few hours bullshitting.

Friday early = get to work on book(RPG we are trying to have out by Gencon) Get some tasty lunch at all you can eat Indian place, then check costume shop for props. Costume shop = too expensive so go to gaming store to try to find copy of the QAGS system(which is what we were using for the system for the new game, originally was BESM, but with Guardians of Order destroying themselves and the system being sold to White Wolf making it highly doubtful it will ever see print again as white wolf takes itself far too seriously, so for Gencon we switched to QAGS) Find out QAGS is now entirely online, which causes a problem as alot of gamers refuse to buy exclusive online books. crap. we decide to change systems, but can't think of anything else that would work that was in anyway feasable. After about ten minutes our brains begin working as one, as they do all too frighteningly well, and we come up with a new system which is easy to generate characters in, incoporates everything we want involved and adds nice flavor to the game. awesome cross. we begin converting characters to new system until about 4 when we drive to Chicago for werewolf game. (3 more hours in car)

Get call from avery and discover something highly annoying about my phone. It lists her calls as a restricted call and thus does not ring or vibrate or anything. Miss 2 calls from her and listen to voice mail messages. Happen to be looking at the phone the third time it rings and get to talk to her. as her LJ says she made it fine, but had a delayed flight due to some storms which I missed on my drive home. need to figure out how to fix phone.

get to chicago, play werwewolf game, people seem pretty cool, my first game there so abit difficult to get pulled into stuff, but overall not bad.getsome shit done in game, begin to make a name for myself and to continue making a name for the pack(which = the greatest pack ever) game wayy too late and begin drive back to Madison at 3:30 am.

decide I don't like chicago very much, NY I can deal with, dont know what it was about chicago, just didn't seem all that nice, and add in the fact it has the most inconsiderate drivers outside of New Jersey and ugh.

Anyway, manage to stay awake for entire drive so the Akira! doesn't have to do it by his lonesome.(another 3 hours int he car)

Hit the pillow at around 6:30 and am dead to the world. Wakwe up around 3, find out Imissed more calls from the avery cuz stupid phone won't ring. desperately need to fix that. akira! gets up around 4 and we finish up characters and give each one new special ability.

get in car around 5:30, thankfully not too sad leaving good friends again, and once again driving mode kicks in. drive through intermitant rain storms from there to here, in car another 7 1/2 hours. get home at around 2 am(lost an hour in the time change) sat down and stared at computer screen blankly for about 1/2 an hour before my brain restarted. check email and write post.

tomorrow dont know what is up, probably play some video games, might be up for doing something, but desparately don't want to leave house. between impending depression, and having spent 31+ hours in the car since Wednesday I probably not even look at my car until I have to work on Monday.

and, for those who skip the lj cut the abbreviated version:
WEdnesday: 8 hour drive=rough, IHOP=good, politics=bad, music=good
Thursday: Akira!=good, sushi=good, 5 hour drive=alright, saying goodbye=sad, 4 hour drive=numb, Akira!=still good
Friday: New system for book=good, Mental fusion dance=good,phone=bad, avery=good, werewolf=decent, pack=awesome, chicago drivers=bad, 6 hour in car=rougher still
Saturday: Work on book=good, phone=still bad, sleep=coma, saying goodbye to friend=bad(thanfully not as bad as saying bye to avery), another 7+ hours in car=brain shut off
Sunday=pure speculative divination: Sleep=good, if possible, leaving=possible, but definitely not preferred, video games=at least for early part of day, company=nice

I sleep=Hopefully
english language=failing
"=" sign=awesome

g'night=what I say now
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