Dragon: The Hoarding Preview 3(mildly edited)

Feb 18, 2008 18:50

The Third Dragon: The Hoarding Preview

Dragon: The Hoarding
Preview 3 - Character Creation

So you've decided on your Dragon breed - how do you build your
character? Dragon: The Hoarding takes the Mind's Eye Theatre Vampire
system as it's foundation (refer to Laws of the Night, revised
edition). Character creation will look very familiar to players
familiar with the MET system, with a few important adjustments:


Step One: Inspiration - Who are you?
* Choose a basic character concept (Who are you? What do you like to
* Choose a breed.
* Choose a Virtue and Vice Path (pick one "seelie" and one "unseelie"
legacy from the Changeling system).

Step Two: Attributes - What are your basic capabilities?
* Prioritize attributes (7/5/3)
* Choose specific attribute traits.
* Note that the trait cap for starting characters is 12, unless you
begin with higher Age (this is the Dragon version of Generation, see

Step Three: Advantages - What do you know?
* Choose 15 abilities
* Choose three disciplines from your breed list.
* Choose three Hoard Traits (these replace backgrounds). You may
choose from the following traits: Allies, Collection, Contacts, Fame,
Influence (all types), Library, Resources, Retainers, Treasure.

Step Four: Last Touches - Fill in the Details
* Starting Mana will depend on your Age (forthcoming).
* You may choose negative traits and flaws to purchase merits ONLY.
You may NOT use the points gained from negative traits or flaws for
additional starting XP to be spent on attributes, abilities, or
disciplines. Also, not all merits and flaws are available at
character creation - we will be providing a specific list of merits
and flaws appropriate for Dragon: The Hoarding.
* You do NOT begin with 5 freebie points as you would in the normal
MET system. Instead, you begin with 20 experience points (25 if you
come to help distribute fliers) that can be used either in the bidding
system or spent normally to advance your character. Also note that

Our advice - don't spend your starting XP right away! Save them for
the first few rounds of special bidding, and then use your remainder
for character creation!


So what's up with this "bidding" system? From our perspective, one of
the most unfair aspects of many roleplaying games is the fact that
some players start off with more "cool stuff" than others because they
are given permission from storytellers to do so. Many games
rightfully restrict certain starting options - not everyone should be
allowed to start with high rank or high generation, or else the game
won't be realistic. How, then, can storytellers remain fair in
deciding who gets to start with higher generation and/or more rank and
status than others in the game?

Most games rely on "storyteller approval" for such things. Dragon, in
contrast, will use a bidding system. Each character begins the game
with 20 (or 25) starting XP. In the weeks before the premiere, you
will be able to use these XP to bid for special starting options in
the game. There will be three rounds of bidding. Options you can bid
for may include the following (note that this is just a preliminary

* Age. This is the Dragon equivalent of Generation. Age determines
trait caps, mana, and willpower, and it offers advantages in Dominate
and Presence challenges. You will ONLY be able to purchase Age
through the bidding system - it will not be available for purchase
with regular XP.

* Hoard Traits, including Allies, Collection, Contacts, Fame,
Influence (all types), Library, Resources, Retainers, Treasure. Note
that Hoard is vital in Dragon society, and functions similarly to
Status in other systems! Your Draconic "Rank" is determined by your
Age + Hoard Traits. Having higher Hoard lets you begin the game with
greater political power. It will be impossible to begin the game with
more than your three starting Hoard traits unless you win them through

* Restricted Merits. Certain merits (such as Iron Will) will only be
available through bidding. A list of open and restricted starting
merits will be forthcoming.

* Rare and Unusual Archetype. At the beginning of the game, players
are restricted to choosing the ten available Metalic and Chromatic
breeds. Later, it may be possible to play unusual character types,
such as Neutral Dragons, Scions, etc. The STs will not make these
character types available by "approval" - instead, you must win the
right to play one by bidding on a "Rare and Unusual Archetype" slot in
the auction.

Again, there will be three rounds of bidding with several of the above
options available before the premiere. If you want your dragon to
start with higher Age or more political power (Horde Traits), you must
win these advantages through the bidding system - they will not be
available through "storyteller approval." It is our hope that this
will make the game as fun and fair as possible for all players

Note, also, that there will be additional auctions for special
advantages every four to six months in game. This means that if you
want to increase your Age (for example) in the course of the game, you
should save up your unspent XP to bid for Age when it becomes
available! And if you miss something you really want during character
creation, you may still be able to pick it up at a later auction.


Experience points you do not use in bidding may be applied to building
your character. Dragon has a more expensive XP system than other MET
games. The reason for this is because we feel that the MET system
allows characters to become very powerful too quickly, and since this
will be a long-term game, we would like to slow down character
advancement slightly and make it somewhat more realistic. Here are
the XP costs for the game:

* New Attribute = 2 XP per trait.

* New Ability = New Ability Level. (Occult 1 costs 1 XP, Occult 2
costs 2 XP, Occult 3 costs 3 XP, etc.)

* New Horde Trait = Not available with XP, must be purchased through
bidding or acquired in-game.

* New Discipline = Basic 6 XP, Intermediate 9 XP, Advanced 12 XP.

* Virtue and Vice ratings may be increased through in-game Moltings
(more on this forthcoming).

We hope to see everyone tonight for fliering, and remember that the
first character creation session will take place this Friday night at
7pm at the IMU, with a Q and A Session that same night starting around 7:30

Let the Hoarding Begin…

Dragon Storytelellers
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