All right, dead people, here's the deal: I really love my job. My boss and my coworkers are all super-great, and everything there is awesome. The problem is the office politics: the department president has some misogyny issues, and the other vice president hates my boss and goes out of her way to belittle everything my boss and her people do.
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Comments 19
I would recommend you challenge this department president fellow to a duel at dawn for the insult, but A) ladies (sensibly) do not do that sort of thing, and B) dueling tends to, uh, not work out very well, I've found.
As for finding another job, once you've liberated your coworkers, you have to liberate the rest of the working class. And yes, the environment will suck. It'll also be the happiest time of your life because you'll be preparing the world for the future.
Here are some matches. Go forward, and remember, destruction is a creative passion!
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Please do not have sockpuppets refer to their typists in DMT, i.e. "My typist, the silly chit, thinks [insert thing here]". This sort of thing is fine for dmttearoom, but for the purposes of DMT itself, the puppets should be true sockpuppets: they shouldn't show awareness that there are strings coming out of their asses. The puppets should be aware that they are dead, but not that they are being played by a bunch of history geeks for lawls on the internet. If you are unsure what the idea behind a sockpuppet is, we recommend learning at the feet of MsScribe.
Consider this your first warning, as there is nothing - NOTHING - guaranteed to annoy me-personally and the mods-generally than talk of "typists" when you're supposed to be an oblivious sock.
... what's that? You're a woman? FEAR NOT, LITTLE MARY PICKFORD. You just trot on home and let your menfolk provide for you; your hard work in the kitchen will be well-rewarded and the capitalists at your previous place of business will be well shed of a woman's vapors in the workplace. Have some apple pie.
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