Firstly, the guidelines:
Check the list of taken historical figures to make sure the person you're considering is not already in play. Once you have an idea of a historical personage, make sure he/she fits into the following guidelines:
- Someone historically notable. If they can be found in a normal history textbook, great. If no one except you knows who they are, not so great. Some leeway will be granted to non-Western historical figures who may not appear in Western-centric history classes, if they really are historically important.
- Dead for at least a decade, to allow a certain amount of historical perspective to have maybe snuck in.
- Someone you actually know a reasonable bit about, and will not have to make up a personality for. Works of fiction like movies are not trustworthy sources.
- To avoid a certain amount of wank and discomfort, please no:
- Genocidal bastards from the last one hundred years (it's not like there aren't a ton from before the 20th century to choose from).
- Historical personalities being worshipped/otherwise integral to a major religion - Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc. Saints, philosophers and the like are welcome, as long as A) their existence is historically verifiable, and B) they are historically important. In general, we ask that you minimize the supernatural doings, because the arguments a miracle-working saint might cause just aren't worth the effort.
- Notables who will prevent others from being played, on account of multiple contenders for who-they-were. By way of example, Jack the Ripper cannot be played on account of the fact that no one knows his exact identity. Suspects for Jack, however, are more than welcome.
If the person is kosher, go ahead and create a journal. The journal needs the following things:
- A reasonably in-character name; George Washington should not be "darkangel19532".
- In the 'name' field in Personal Info, please include the person's name so we know whom he/she is!
- A link to a website with some basic information on the person, as you may safely assume that at least a few members will be unfamiliar with any particular historical personage. Wikipedia is especially useful for this.
- Please include a little bit in the 'bio' field, even if it's just one sentence giving what he/she was famous for.
- Your email displayed. If you aren't comfortable with it being public, please email deadmentalking @, just so we have it on record. This helps us keep track of who plays who - I promise we don't give the lists out or something ♥
Now, the application:
You must complete in-character responses to the following questions. They don't have to be long, just in-character and (very much) preferably funny.
1. I recently had bad service at a local diner, and left a small tip in response. When I went back yesterday, I discovered that someone had spat in my hamburger. What do I do about this?
2. I am a citizen greatly concerned with the workings of my government; however, in today's elections, I am worried that my vote is wasted. How can I rectify my feelings of being an uncherished cog in a broken machine?
3. I work in an office building environment. My nearby coworker often comes to my desk and will not leave for thirty minutes at a time. How do you deal with a clingy coworker?
4. I wish to take over the world. How best will I do this, and how should I punish those who attempt to thwart me?
5. Today I discovered a most alarming rash in a most alarming place. I am an unmarried woman. Please advise.
Complete this and post it, in a comment, to this very thread. Here they will be voted on by a five-sockpuppet electoral panel. Other sockpuppets (and, for that matter, living peoples) may weigh in, but these are the votes which determine it one way or another. Regarding the electoral panel: if the first three votes are for 'yes', welcome to the party - you can start commenting on posts. If one of the first three votes is a 'no', all five elector sockpuppets must weigh in, with three or more voting 'yes', before you should consider yourself accepted.
Your current puppety electors are:
If you have any questions, post those in a comment here, too, and we shall attempt to answer.