New car: Gangsta.
Test drive one: Today.
Dvd player with pimping system installed?
A certain point of view?
Your insight serves you well.
This bounty hunter is my kind of scum:
Fearless and inventive.
They will all suffer for this outrage.
Your mind powers will not work on me boy.
Your feeble skills are no match
For the power of the Dark Side.
If they don't do as you wish,
You'll become angry and use your magic.
Just... images really.
Tell me.
I'm having a huge bon fire in my treehouse.
((with the ewoks...))
You are some shallow bitch...
I'm thinking.
Not worrying though,
We got deathstar.
I looove this week.
Mainly I'm just taking joy,
In the ridiculous stupidity of others.
Really its just hilarious now,
I've found I cannot care
About those which do not matter.
I dare you.
Another helpful message from the heart,
You're welcome!
Karma, is my bitch.
And it's getting pimped out tonight.