Oh! I think so too! However...I will warn you...I write all sorts of things...including dumbass emo ramblings...posts that make no sense.....and just....really ridiculous posts that were just for the sake of making a post cuz I was bored. You have been warnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeed! MWHAHAHAHAHA! :P
Aww Yes, I knows. I'll check it out as soon as I can, you know it takes forever for vids to load for me. I keep hoping that I'll get to watch episodes of it but I think I might get confused if I don't start at the beginning.
I know how long it takes, and you don't HAVE to watch it. I doubt you getting confused. I didn't start at the beginning. In fact, I started in the middle of Season Three. They carry the story really well, and you can kind of infer everything.
Re: Harry Potter Series: Hermione Grangerdeadnhollywood7December 4 2007, 04:52:32 UTC
Thank you, I think I shall try to do them again once college isn't ruling my life so horribly, but for now, I think the subject should go back up for grabs., as I won't be able to get them done for a little while.
i did the same mistake;
January 10 2008, 01:01:42 UTC
you know when you see those girls, and they say their absolutely in love? well, i did, actually i had seen it so many times, and i would say something like, "wtf is wrong with them, there not in love" but, i never knew for myself. i just assumed. but, okayy. my point here is if you let someone come into your life, you need to trust them with everything you have because sooner or later you will figure the real them out., and if you can’t trust them there not even worth the while
( ... )
Comments 53
Plus, I have a wand, YOU should be scared. muahhaha
And, I'm always open for questioning :P
I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, "Harry Potter Series: Hermione Granger" has gone past its 10-week deadline.
Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (http://community.livejournal.com/icons100/1732314.html ))?
If I don't hear back from you by December 3, 2007, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
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