Title: Wedding Day Bliss (fishie and M/I fluff...the two best kinds!!)
Author: deadpoetwoffie
Rating: G or PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
A/N: This is for terimaru, who made me feel special today!!! Thanks!!
A/N Pt 2: I FINALLY got to use a gills reference in this one!!!! Yay!!! Oh, and I am in no way trying to make this fishily realistic. Sushi
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Comments 8
Awww. So cute. I always end up smiling like an idiot at the end of these things!
I'm still trying to think of where to put them. I'm leaning toward having each Sushi-Journal entry follow the story it references - then again, perhaps a separate Sushi-Journal section. Argh! That's how we librarians are - always trying to get things in a specific place. :-P
ichthyological Somebody's been doing research!
It shall be done.
You might want to put a little goldfish bowl or something next to them to show to our new friends that they are from Sushi's POV!!!
That's a good idea. I saw one lying around here somewhere.
You're doing a great job with this community!!! Keep up the good work!!
Why thank you! It's total selfishness on my part. :-P I love the fic.
I'm glad you liked it!! Feel free to browse my other (yet limited) fics. I have some Rayne floating somewhere around here. You may have to go back a few entries to find it though!
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