Why do the Irish...
...constantly have to ram their Irishness down everyone else's throats now?
Let me elaborate. I live in Boston, which is a microcosm of the American Irish propaganda machine which seriously infringes on my way of life.
Every single day, I have to see the Irish flag displayed in storefronts, outside of restaurants, in people's windows. I see bumper stickers on car after can making reference to Irish pride.
They go so far as to wear T-shirts bragging about the fact that they are Irish, and what's more, they even advertise their own shameless promiscuity with the oft repeated written refrain of, "Kiss me, I'm Irish!"
They even have their own bars, believe it or not, which are centered around Irish culture. These bars are epidemic throughout the Boston area. In the downtown area, there are multiple Irish pubs on every block! Sometimes these bars even are in residential neighborhoods, meaning that families with young children have to be exposed to this shameless Irish flaunting.
I increasingly have to be subjected to Irish characters on television, movies, and books, in which they are portrayed in a positive light. Clearly this is an attempt to brainwash our youth into thinking it's actually OKAY to be Irish.
Not only that, they have infiltrated our school systems. Can you believe they actually include Irish American aspects of American history in elementary school? It's true. They don't even wait until high school to expose children to Irish history, these sickos try and get them as young as possible to make their brainwashing all the more effective. They don't even care about the innocent nature of children. Don't they deserve to at least wait until they are young adults before having to learn about the Irish? From the potato famine and the wave of immigrants that resulted from it to the JFK presidency, this Irish agenda is being peddled to schoolchildren across the nation.
But really, what takes the cake is that it's not enough that they're in our schools, in our communities, on our roadways, ramming their Irishness down our throats...no folks, these people actually have a yearly PARADE.
That's right, a parade. There actually is a day every year where these nasty Irish dress up in ridiculous outfits, playing their own kind of music, close down multiple streets of Boston, and just prance around acting all...Irish while hundreds of thousands of supporters writhe about drunkenly in the streets shouting about how great it is to be Irish.
I'm sorry to say though that the Irish agenda has been extremely successful, to the point that even the non Irish (clearly brainwashing victims) have joined in. I see the non Irish in Irish pubs, at Irish festivals, at their parade even, just acting like it's okay to be Irish, it's even something to celebrate.
Clearly these are just a bunch of weak minded leftists enslaved to the militant mantra of "celebrate diversity." But as our children are targeted by being taught that Irish people exist and contribute to culture and history, their ranks, sadly, will only grow in number.
Please, won't you pledge today to stand up for brave, independent thinking individuals everywhere by denouncing the scourge that is...the Irish agenda?
Shamelessly stolen from elsewhere. If you know the source, please contact me so I can provide proper attribution.