
Apr 07, 2005 20:22

"You don't need doctors to tell you your screwed"

I had that fucking thing looked at today. The doctor decided since it had gotten infected that the only solution was to lance it.

That didn't work well with me.

They brought in two nurses to hold my arms head and feet as he shoved a needle INTO the mass. It hurt. God it hurt. I ha never felt so much pain in any way befor. I cried. I screamed. I begged. I think he liked torturing me. He pushed in the anesthesia very slowly which hurt even more. It was basically him pushing more fluid into an already tender large fluid filled mass.

Finally he sliced it. I didn't feel that part thank god but he had to push on it to get out the stuff. I FELT THAT. There was more screaming. HE stuck something in it to hold it open for a few days. I have to go back monday to have it removed. I sound like I can't handle it. But thats the thing I CAN. I don't think anyone can stand that. They got worried because they said i almost went into full out shock.

I feel fine now. They have me and 500 mg of Hydrocodone every 4-6hours and some kind of weird antibiotic. I got out of having to go to work today. But I can't stay awake for anything. I was shcking for the next two hours. I took all the papers to my work just so they couldn't try and say i was faking it.

One of my bosses told me it would be funny to see me there dopped up on hydrocodone attempting to deal with customers. Funny.

Anyways. Gio and I are still on our break. I kinda like it. I feel free. Liberated.

I'm getting sleepy again so i think I'll got back to bed.

Tomarrow night!
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