A pyramid.
Now I know that jew slaves were over thousands of years ago, so why do I feel like I am slave at work. I really need to find a new job maybe a county or a state job. I work just as hard if not harder than other people around here the only difference is I am still a contractor and they work for the company. While they enjoy 2 weeks paid vacation a year plus sick days... I get a whoping 1 week unpaid vacation a year. No sick days eather, I know the company i work for is making a pretty penny off of me so why the slave treatment. Who knows maybe this is just the fire under my butt to get me a real job where i can earn real money and have real bennifits... Hopefully I can do a lot of testing for state and county on mondays. Who knows I am just feeling really bitter right now, dont even want to be here.
Have to find someone to swithch days off with if I want to go to October Crown at the end of the month. Just found out that I have been denied the days off I requested, they say i dont have the time even though the system says I did. Will figure something out I guess.
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