I really needed yesterday to end so I took a sleeping tablet, a glass of Maker's and a couple of melatonin. Whaddya know I got up late, well worth it though.
yes i took it. i slept great. worked fine all day.
now last night, i came home, laid down for a bit and wound up passing out. woke up a little later, took my contacts out and went back to sleep. and had the shittiest sleep ever. nightmares. uncomfortable.
i guess thats what happens when i usually fall asleep under the influence of something. i am going to try one more night of nothing, then fuck it, it's back to whiskey and pills.
Comments 4
I really needed yesterday to end so I took a sleeping tablet, a glass of Maker's and a couple of melatonin. Whaddya know I got up late, well worth it though.
So did you take it?
now last night, i came home, laid down for a bit and wound up passing out. woke up a little later, took my contacts out and went back to sleep.
and had the shittiest sleep ever.
nightmares. uncomfortable.
i guess thats what happens when i usually fall asleep under the influence of something. i am going to try one more night of nothing, then fuck it, it's back to whiskey and pills.
i eat cookies
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