Here's the stuff I've been unable to find any answers to, either in past fan conversations or in the press.
1. What does "Catholic but grateful" mean? Is that another way of saying she'd insist on the missionary position with the lights out? Is that a saying in England? (I'm a barbarian Yank ;) .)
2. Why did Tosh and Owen have so few scenes
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Comments 2
3. it's probably down to individual opinion and interpretation of the characters so i wouldn't say it's a set reason for any of the characters ;)
2. no idea. maybe due to the type of story. 9 was all about gwen, although it did have some lovely tosh/owen moments in, 10 was more around ianto, 11 was more around gwen again, 12 needed the team separate to explain thei backstories and technically speaking, 13 had the final scene with tosh and owen over the comms. so maybe it was to make it more poignant when they did die as they had spent so long apart whereas if each ep had them all over each other or always talking to each other, it wouldn't seem so bad maybe?
I tend to think you're right about the last several episodes, but the one thing that still sticks out for me is the odd way the wedding dance scene was handled. Having body doubles of them standing in a doorway chatting was just so weird.
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