the first part was so extremely everywhere. it was confusing in it's self so what's in my journal is from my point of view. everyone has their point of view. that's mine. when i threw stuff in your face it was meant to be like "hey... your not perfect either." it also seemed like you were blowing up for some huge reason. no offese, but it did. when i avoided you yesterday you clearly didn't wanna talk to me. obviously you didn't. you told me to fuck off and go to hell. who wants to walk right up to a person who was so bitter to them the day before? nobody. and the whole ignoring thing... YOU TOLD ME TO STOP BOTHERING YOU AND THAT YOU WOULD HAFTA GET OVER IT IN YOUR OWN TIME. so i decided i could deal and if you wanted to start talking to me again you would do it on your own. you walked into the cafe so i did what you asked me to. i didn't bother you. if you want me to talk to you, you hafta talk to to me first. that's the way you said you wanna do it.
Comments 1
the first part was so extremely everywhere. it was confusing in it's self so what's in my journal is from my point of view. everyone has their point of view. that's mine. when i threw stuff in your face it was meant to be like "hey... your not perfect either." it also seemed like you were blowing up for some huge reason. no offese, but it did. when i avoided you yesterday you clearly didn't wanna talk to me. obviously you didn't. you told me to fuck off and go to hell. who wants to walk right up to a person who was so bitter to them the day before? nobody. and the whole ignoring thing... YOU TOLD ME TO STOP BOTHERING YOU AND THAT YOU WOULD HAFTA GET OVER IT IN YOUR OWN TIME. so i decided i could deal and if you wanted to start talking to me again you would do it on your own. you walked into the cafe so i did what you asked me to. i didn't bother you. if you want me to talk to you, you hafta talk to to me first. that's the way you said you wanna do it.
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