Oct 19, 2009 20:11

To take my mind off of things I shall answer this meme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IC: After two kill games (well, the first one she doesn't really remember), I think Echo has had enough trauma. I think. Hey, Echo knows more people now and Noise helps to spice things up by making an appearance occasionally! Oh, yeah, Noise wants to cut everyone and their mom.
OOC: I'll repeat from my last meme: MY FIRST EVER APP; MY FIRST TIME EVER ROLEPLAYING; MY BABY. I love her so much. I'm still awkward with playing her, but it's nowhere near as bad as when I first started. I think it might be sad to say that my must fucked-up character is the one I'm so comfortable with right now, but I've played her the longest, so...!
Dropping: DON'T COUNT ON IT.

Izayoi Sakuya

IC: Still has no mistress. Sigh. Everyone in camp either a) is weirded out by her or b) hates her. you go girl!!!!!!
OOC: Shibby, Yukari's gone. I have no clue what is going on with Sakuya in camp. I just throw her wherever and make it work. Somehow. Unfortunately, I haven't been playing her that much lately. Her endearing cast thought she died once and I think there are some people who might want her to die. OH WELL, AT LEAST I LOVE HER. Sakuya's voice might be a little off, however, and I am going fixing that.
Dropping: I can't see myself dropping Sakuya~ loev my maid and my cast 2 much, sry. >:


IC: FANCY. Yes, that is how I describe Lance's situation in camp. Hey, I said that in the last drop meme, too. It means things are right in the world! ♥
OOC: I cannot deny this any longer: Lance has taken over as my main. By the way, It's October and I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I'M PLAYING LANCE. One of my most favourite characters ever and I'm playing him ♥ kyaaaa~ exciting. It doesn't matter, though, because I'm constantly worried that I'm doing it wrong. I have the habit of scaring myself out of tagging posts, but when I tag it's fun! I feel no stress when playing him, and playing him is easy and enjoyable, so I have no issues. It's just the problem with getting him out more... which is more me than him.
Dropping: NEVER EVERRRRRR. My wonderful cast will be stuck with me until the end of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IC: She knows people! And gets out--sometimes! She's a cute, polite loli who is friends with everyone and their mom.
OOC: Sometimes I forget she is a part of my line-up. I don't know how, but it's stressful playing her? WHICH IS WEIRD, SHE'S JUST SUPER KIND AND POLITE. Maybe it's the stress of figuring out "who wouldn't mind a personified nation tagging their post?" that I worry about. Not to mention I feel like a failure in comparison to the rest of my huge, amazing cast (I still haven't even played with all of them yet!) for barely knowing anything about my lolination. I tend to forget I'm playing a country when I play her. That's kind of pathetic...
Drop: I will keep fighting! But if Switzerland were to drop? Liechtenstein is going, too. :x

Misumi Hifumi

IC: I haven't thrown my lazy rich boy anywhere yet. D':
OOC: I plan to throw my lazy rich boy somewhere soon. :'D Okay, so get this: I forget Liech is a part of my line-up, but I never forget Hifumi is. And I haven't even played him yet sob. As soon as I finish his icons (this week?) I'll torment someone with him or make a post. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.
Drop: HELL NO. It hasn't even crossed my mind.


Constantly worried about IC-ness and playing to my full potential! Constantly! Like, every second of my life is devoted to this; that is why I cannot sleep at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...okay, I'm joking a little bit. Besides worrying about my playing like any other player does, I can't get over the fear of tagging people. Even my own castmates! I just don't want anybody to think "Oh, great, she tagged me."

I joined about half a year ago; dropping won't be happening for a LONG time. ♪

I'd do that question meme, but it looks like everyone else is so I can just tag them. BUT IF YOU WANT TO ASK QUESTIONS, WE CAN, SURE.

ooc, meme

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