community rules!

Sep 01, 2010 19:14

"Deal Twice": In a cash game, when two players are involved in a large pot and one is all-in, they might agree to deal the remaining cards twice. If one player wins both times he wins the whole pot, but if both players win one hand they split the pot.

Hello and welcome to dealtwice, LJ's first and (probably) only Dean/Neal crossover pairing community. ( Read more... )

!mod, !rules

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Comments 4

loki_dip September 8 2010, 02:51:44 UTC
dauntdraws September 15 2010, 06:05:31 UTC
NP! :D We got that all worked out in the rules now, too.


loki_dip September 15 2010, 08:21:18 UTC

a_phoenixdragon September 13 2010, 15:12:52 UTC
Guhhh!! This comm is just what I needed!! *GLEES*

*hugs you*


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