This is event is focused on the Supernatural pairing Dean/Castiel and the SPNRPS pairing Jensen/Misha. If these pairings are not your thing you're in teh wrong place and the moderators reserve the right to deny your sign-up. That said, gen fic and/or pre-slash that is focused on the relationship between either Dean and Castiel or Jensen and Misha is welcome. Also, participants must keep in mind that this event it's an exchange, so, if you're going to sign-up, you have to be prepared to give a gift in return.
Additional characters and crossovers are more than welcome within the scope of your request, but please keep in mind that your Secret Santa may not know the fandom you'd like to crossover with or care for the other character you'd like to incorporate. We'd reccommend against prompting with three crossover ideas as it would reduce the likelihood of you getting a gift you will truly enjoy.
Although we ask for your Livejournal username in the sign-up form, owning an LJ is not strictly necessary to participate in the event since all the gift posting will be handled by the mods. If you are not a Livejournal user and you still want to participate in the exchange, simply enter your preferred pseudonym on the form.
Once you're assigned a giftee, please keep their request in mind as you craft their gift. Please don't veer wildly away from their likes/dislikes even if you can't fulfill one of their prompts specifically.
It is in your own best interest to provide as a detailed as possible wishlist when you sign-up for the event.
Submission requirements are as follows: Fiction: At least 1500 words in length, using appropriate beta readers and headers. Original art: At least one large art item of significant quality/resolution. Digital art package: At least one large art item (wallpaper, LJ header), and either a second large art item or a collection of smaller items (icons, animations). Vids: At least 1:30 in length.
Let's talk about spoilers. You need to "hide" whatever Supernatural Season 6 spoilers you include in the header of your finished fic/art. There are several ways to do this, though two of the easiest and most effective ones are: LJ Cutting and white-lineing/black-lineing the spoilery sentences. If you don't know how to do it, please, refer to our Formatting Guidelines post where you'll find a mini-tutorial explaining the processes.
There will be a series of deadlines to be observed so please keep an eye on the community and your e-mail so you don't miss them. If, for whatever reason, you need an extension in any of the previously mentioned deadlines, please, send an email to the mods at deancas.xmasmod @ and let us know. Also, if you realize that you'll be unable to fulfill your gift assignment, please, contact the mods as soon as possible so they can find someone to take your place and make sure your giftee doesn't end up giftless.
If you defaulted and/or dropped out of the challenge last year, you will not be eligible to sign-up this year. If you default and/or drop out this year, you will not be eligible to sign-up next year. The moderators are reasonable people though and if you did drop last year for acceptable reasons, please send your appeal to deancas.xmasmod at
Let's keep it peaceful and wank-free and behave ourselves like the sensible individuals we are.