Beyond the causeway and coming into town, Friday evening

May 11, 2007 18:54

Drax approached the causeway and couldn't help but notice that something didn't seem right. "There's supposed to be a school there," he noted. "Either the brochure lied or I'm going to hear an interesting story." As he crossed over to the island, he let his mind drift to recent events...

Kree Fringe Territory
Annihilation Day Plus 222

"You gave your word, Galactus! You said you would see to her..."

About eight months ago, a creature from the Negative Zone broke though into the Positive Matter Dimension (more frequently known as "the universe"). His name was Annihilus. He had a large army. The Annihilation Wave - as the army was called - destroyed the Nova Corps, virtually ended the Skrull Empire, and captured the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus, only to turn him into a weapon.

Annihilus made one crucial mistake in all of this: he sided with Thanos. Thanos's presence caused Drax to show up. Drax saved his daughter, Heather (better known as a superhuman Moondragon), killed Thanos, and freed Galactus. The Devourer was displeased by his imprisonment and blew up several star systems in his rage. That brought the Wave to a halt.

"-- safety."

Before Galactus's little temper tantrum, he transported Drax and Moondragon to a small world somewhere in Kree space,

Thanos was dead by Drax's hand. Moondragon... Heather... was safe. For now, at least. Everything Drax had strived to achieve for who even knows how long now had been accomplished. And yet, he felt an emptiness. Shouldn't this be enough? Shouldn't this--

"Drax?" a quiet voice asked. "Father? What happened?"

"It worked," Drax explained. "Galactus is free. Planets exploded. Annihilus is probably dead for now."

"What do you mean 'for now'? Do you really think he could survive Galactus?" Moondragon asked.

"How many times have I died?" Drax asked. "This isn't even the first time Annihilus has died. He'll be back."

Moondragon nodded. She couldn't really argue with his point. "So, what now? Regroup, start providing relief to planets hit by the Wave?"

"Find Nova and ask him. I did what I was created to do. Thanos is dead. I'm done here." Drax turned around and started to walk away.

"Do you know where you're going?" Moondragon asked.

"No clue. I'll figure that out once I find a spaceport."

Annihilation Day Plus 342

It hadn't been easy getting back to Earth, the planet from which Drax was created. While Drax had been busy with the Annihilation War, Earth saw a scuffle within America's borders where heroes beat each other up. This was a result of the Superhuman Registration Act which basically said that if you had superpowers you had to sign up with the government. This meant that a large, green man with blank eyes, bright red tatoos, and a collection of knives would have trouble getting by.

He stuck to sparsely populated areas in the north until he found something worth doing with his life since the one thing he didn't want was to have SHIELD on his ass. Population was thusly a bad thing. That's when he found a brochure for Fandom High and a job listing for a new Dean of Students.

On his way to Earth, he heard the reports of how Nova killed Annihilus in one-on-one combat. Before meeting up with him, no way would Nova have been able to kill Annihilus with anything but sheer, blind luck. That made Drax proud. It was probably still sheer, blind luck, but now Nova knew how to use that to his advantage. He thought of Cammi. She was annoying as d'ast all, but she reminded him of Heather when she was young. Clever. Able to get out of trouble. He liked to think that he was part of the reason why she managed to stay alive when she hitched a ride into space.

Maybe he had something he could teach students at this school. Maybe the school could keep things quiet so that he wouldn't have to kill SHIELD agents if they came to try to make him register. Maybe... Maybe this was a chance to find a purpose. He left the next day with his few possessions (that is, weapons, boots, and a couple pairs of pants).

It took him a few days to reach Virginia because he was travelling in secret, but he made it.


The Causeway

Drax crossed the causeway, preparing himself for anything. He had killed countless villains, soldiers, and bugs over the years. He wasn't sure how being a school dean compared to that.

[OOC: Open if anyone wants to talk to the not-yet-new Dean as he comes to the island.

And because I forgot to mention it in my big OOC post, Marvel characters will NOT recognize Drax. His recent rebirth was way too recent for that.]

heather, canon notes, annihilation, civil war wtf?, arrival

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