Before anyone reads this I would like to warn you that this has a very strong opinion of mine and if it makes you mad, get over it because it is my opinion and I am not trying to make it your opinion, I just want it known where I stand.
A conversation that was being held by some people at the house last night made me think about my childhood today and how I want to raise my kids, should I ever have any. See, they were talking about some girl, dont ask who becuase i didn't even know half the people that were there let alone who they were talking about. Anyway, they were talking about how she was against people drinking before the age of 21, or something like that, and how that was, I think they said something like narrowminded but dont quote me becuase i was getting mad as they were talking about it. This is mainly becuase, yes, I do drink alcohol but it is on very rare occasions and I didnt drink before the age of 21 and I REFUSE!!!!!! to by alcohol or cigarettes for that matter either, for anyone under the age of 21 because it is ILLEGAL!!!! Do I care that other countries allow it at younger ages, NO, if you want to drink at a younger age then move to those places. Do I think that is being narrowminded or anything to not approve of people drinking before the ages of 21, no, I think that it is not doing something that you could get arrested. I had to leave the room during that convo. Well, it was for more than that but that did play a big part of it becuase I am not a narrowminded person and I dont like being called one even if they weren't talking about me, they sorta were in a way. Mike even knows that is one of the subjects I am touchy about and he tries not to be drunk around me. Do I drink? Yes, on very rare occasions and the times are getting more and more rare. Do I like to be around people who are or have been drinking? No, becuase usually people act very stupid when drunk and when I am drunk, I tend to be very quiet for that reason, I dont want folks looking at me when I am drunk like I look at them. Most people do act like idiots when drunk, not all, just most. I hate being around when people act stupid, especially when I know they aren't (if they have some sort of thing physically wrong with their brain then I don't mind being around them because its just how they are) but when they are acting stupid just to act stupid, I hate it and get very mad, so instead of hanging around people like that and getting more and more angry at them, I just keep away from folks when they have been drinking. Mike knows not to come near me when he has been drinking. Other reason for leaving the room last night was also becuase I didnt know half the people and they were talking about stuff and times that i was not there for so instead of sitting there like an idiot I left, I also got a phone call from Mike and my mom which I kinda used as an excuse to stay in my room. But, as I mentioned, the convo about the alcohol stuff got me thinking about how I was raised and how I want to raise my kids. My mom, when my sisters and I were around the ages of 4 or 5, gave us each a puff of a cigarette without telling us how to breathe with it. No, I dont care if yall think that is bad, it is how I was taught and it work so bite me. She smokes and didnt want us to. Well, when I was 4 or 5, I did it and I coughed so badly and got sick, then when karen was 4 or 5, she did it to her and me again ( a refresher course basically because I showed curiousness for it again) and we both coughed and got sick, then when crystal was around 4 or 5, I know I didnt try it again and I dont think karen tried it again but crystal, she instantly knew how to breathe and basically, the plan backfired with her. My dad, whenever we lost a tooth or had an booboo in our mouth, basically gave us a shot of wiskey or other such hard and foul tasting alcohol to swish around in the mouth and then spit back out, still to this day, I still cannot handle anything that is really even the smallest amount of strong. I was also around adults that drank, not all the time of course but like, we went over to a friend of mine's, Olivia, house and they left a cup of beer on the table once. I was around the age of 8 or 9 when this happened and she dared me to try a sip so I did the same thing to her. We both took a sip and got sick, it tastes foul. To this day, I still do not like even the smell of beer. I can stand woodchuck because it is more like really strong apple cider. Olivia and a dare is also the reason why I know first hand, that pouring about 24 ounces of sweet tea in the ear will give you one heck of an ear infection. But I digress, I have decided that this is how I am going to teach my kids too. I was also, when i was around 12 or 13, allowed near people and actually brought around people for the purpose of showing me that alcohol makes folks act like idiots. Sort of one of those, I saw that it was bad for others so I related that it would be bad for me. Yes, I do drink on very rare occasions but now that i have also had a few bad experiences with alcohol myself, I dont want to drink anything really and when I do, I only want like one maybe two drinks. As I told a family friend of ours when I was in high school, you can have a good time at a place without alcohol and I still know that to be true. That woman never drank anything other than beer. Serious, she didnt even drink soda or water so blah, her and I didnt get along. Another thing that some people, not mentioning any names, found out recently about how completely against drugs and drugs being around me I am. Do I care if you do drugs? Yeah, sure, I'll remind you that they are ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS and the like but I will also make it a point of tell you to keep them the heck away from me if you do choose to do them and also you keep away from me for atleast 24 hours after you have done them. It isnt only the fact that they are illegal and dangerous, those are the main reason for keeping that crap away from me though because I really dont think it is worth going to jail for something for stupid like that. It is also because I got to see how they reacted with folks at work when I worked at the old Burger King and how they used to take money from the safe and make me make the money up from my drawer. Okay, blah!!! I am glad I dont work with them anymore. Anyway, the point is is that yes, I do do things that are against the rules occasionally but I refuse to do anything against the LAW because no matter what it is, it isnt worth going to jail for trust me. If this mad you mad, I would say I am sorry, but Im not becuase it is my opinion and yes, sometimes your opinions piss me off but I realize that we are all allowed to have our own opinions. Do we have to agree with each other all the time, no, and blah. Anyway, do I agree with folks all the time, heck no, but I also do not make fun of them for a decision or an opinion either, I may make fun of actions and hold actions against you but not opinions. Im gonna go watch "A goofy movie" now. Bye