Maybe y'all already thought through this the first time I mentioned it, but it just occurred to me.
On the ends justifying the means question that I wondered if they were posing badly, with Sam's ends so far having justified the means ...
They've done that before. In the season one finale, with John. If Sam had shot John when he asked, it would have saved everyone a whole lot of heartbreak. Sam wouldn't have died, Dean wouldn't have sold his soul, the gate wouldn't have been opened, the apocalypse wouldn't have started, the world wouldn't be ending. So those are really probably good enough ends to have justified that means. (In a fictional situation, knowing the end, of course -- I wouldn't have shot my father, either, if I was Sam. Or if I was me.) But Show seemed pretty definite in its opinion at the time that Sam did the right and good thing by not listening to his father -- Show doesn't think the ends would have justified the means. I guess? So it would then follow that it's not meaning to present Sam's ends as justifying his means? Even if it meant his means saved the one person who could end the apocalypse?
So. Do I just have low moral standards, then? To answer the question of 'have the ends this season justified Sam's means' with a yes? I think it must. Sigh.
Anyway. I'm excited for tomorrow night. That's a nice feeling. And my little brother called me to talk about last week's episode! My little brother is a 20-year-old male percussion major -- he doesn't often do the calling. Supernatural has brought us together!