Gunmetal and Steel is a futuristic military work based around an Infantry Captain and his scout team. This is original fiction and is hopefully not woefully bad.
Good to see it was recognisable at least. I was fairly sure it was going to be complete gibberish after the frantic rush to finish it off. And yeah, editing. I'm not sure if having to go back and edit it is a good thing or a terrible thing... I already know that I have to go back and add in a few things and clean it all up.
Good luck in yours hon. Looking forward to reading it.
Comments 4
Going back to editing ours now...
Good to see it was recognisable at least. I was fairly sure it was going to be complete gibberish after the frantic rush to finish it off. And yeah, editing. I'm not sure if having to go back and edit it is a good thing or a terrible thing... I already know that I have to go back and add in a few things and clean it all up.
Good luck in yours hon. Looking forward to reading it.
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