Title: Dandy in the Underworld
cassiopeia7 Sam/Dean, R
Warnings: horror, outsider POV and some BDSM
Summary: They say there is a secret game in Las Vegas, the greatest one of all, in which the hero plays against the dragon for three nights, and the prize is a wish granted, and the penalty is death. A new player arrives to try his luck, only to discover that the game is held in a dump of a house in the desert and that the dragon is a dude named Dean, chained to the house by the ankle. The hero soon realizes that he cannot leave unless he wins. The dragon is growing blood-thirsty, the game makes no sense, and the hero’s only hope are the clues dropped by the dragon’s brother who’s just along for the ride.
Art Master Post One ...
Two ...
Notes ...
AO3 Many thanks: To my artist collaborator,
cassiopeia7 who made so much pretty, creepy, colorful, fantastic art. So much lovely art! I have magpie-like feelings toward art, so naturally, I had to embed it all. And then I had to take out two pieces to avoid fragmenting the text too much, and it buuuuurns, oh it burns to leave the lovely art out! But it's all in the
Art Master Post for you to enjoy. Art contains major story spoilers. Check it out, people. Thank you, bb, for picking my summary and for being one of those artists every Bang writer wishes she could work with. Thank you for your very insightful comments about the plot and your never-ending enthusiasm. Let's do that again sometimes for sure.
To my betas,
sonofabiscuit77, the forever enabler and first reader on the scene, and
counteragent, who not only made great suggestions about this fic but also helped me figure out another persistent problem with my stories. Additional thanks to
indiachick and
tsuki_no_bara who did not beta but talked shop with me. You guys rock. Without your contribution, this thing would make no goddamn sense.
riyku and all the lovely people who run the SDMB every year and let us have all the fun there.