Name of Series: Soul Calibur
Name of Character: Ivy
Warnings: Eh, not much.
Summary: You're more than Ms. Fanservice. So why have you let them make you into that?
Dear Ivy,
You've always been such a cool character, both as a villain and then an antihero. You're beautiful, you're insolent, you've got style and you've got that whip. Not to mention that your ending in Soul Calibur IV is one of the best.
So what's wrong? They've turned you into Ms. Fanservice, that's what's wrong.
I've got nothing against sexy characters and outfits (and have swooned for a few myself), but there's a difference between being sexy and wearing something even a prostitute would find lacking in subtlety, with breasts so inflated that they should logically get in the way of your fighting. I actually found you hotter when you wore more clothing- that edgy Victorian mix of class and sadism is what made me like you in the first place.
I love you girl, but I'm finding myself turning toward Setsuka and Taki for my tough-girl fix (and we all know they have their fair share of fanservice.)
Here's what I suggest: put something on, take out the implants, and go kick the asses of whatever mysoginists turned you from a sultry antihero into a stripper. I know you can do it.
All my love,