(no subject)

May 25, 2006 12:43

Dear Dean,

What should I do with my time after I finish watching all three seasons of One Tree Hill? I have no clue what to do with myself!

Confused in Cincituckee.

Dear Confused in Cincituckee,

First of all (and this never happens) I have no idea what you're talking about. This sounds a lot like some television show Sam watches - Sam and the rest of America's thirteen-year-old girls - and thirteen-year-old girls really aren't my thing. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if you're in a bind and for some strange reason you can't get out there to rent a damn fine movie (the Godzilla sequels deserve a fanbase, is all I'm saying) then whatever you do, don't get sucked into daytime television. There's this soap opera with a freakin' chimp in it.

That's a dark and dangerous path to take.

Anyway, I wouldn't usually admit to this, but in your time of desperation, I'm willing to say that I've picked up a lot of good tips from watching Veronica Mars. Girl's sharp as a tack. And sexy. Did I mention the sexy? Because seriously, goddamn.

Sam suggests you start on Gilmore Girls next. There's a character named Dean in it who's apparently kind of attractive. What can I say? That name brings good luck and good genes.


P.S. If you're really at loose ends, we could always meet up in Tempe...
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