(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 13:57

f i r s t s

First car: Pontiac Sunfire
First real kiss: 9th grade.
First screen name: A315Rider
First self purchased album: Almost.
First funeral: My dad's
First pets: A cat named Millie
First piercing/tattoo: Piercing.Ears dont count, you idiot.So my Labret.  Tattoo:The Sparrow on my right arm.
First credit card:Because im 18
First enemy:I dont know.
First big trip: ?

l a s t s

Last cigarette: Are you serious right now?
Last car ride: To my moms work this morning.

Last kiss: Friday night.

Last good cry: I dont know.
Last library book No.
Last movie seen:Drive thru DVD
Last beverage drank: Dr.Pepper
Last food consumed: Chicken parmesean
Last crush: What?
Last phone call: Pia.
Last time showered: This morning.

Last shoes worn: Black Circas.

Last item bought: Medicine?

Last annoyance: MY PHONE RINGING.
Last time wanting to die: Last night.

f a s h i o n | s t u f f

01. Where is your favorite place to shops? The cheapest stores.
02. Any tattoos or piercings? Obviously

01. Do you do drugs?I plead the 5th.

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essence
03. What are you most scared of? Being alone.
04. What are you listening to right now? Dead Poetic
05. where do you want to get married? In october, I dont care where.
06. how many buddies are online right now? 46
07. what would you change about yourself? What wouldnt I change?

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

01. given anyone a bath? No.
02. smoked? Negative.
03. bungee jumped? HA
04. made yourself throw up? Yeah.

05. skinny dipped? No.
06. ever been in love? I thought so.
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No.
08. pictured your crush naked? Crushes are so 90ish, get it?
09. actually seen your crush naked? See above.
10. cried when someone died?Yeah
11. lied? Yeah
12. fallen for your best friend? Not hardly
13. been rejected? As hard as it is to believe, no.
14. rejected someone? Yeah
15. used someone?Probably

16. done something you regret? A few times

c u r r e n t

clothes: Jeans, Marilyn Monroe T shirt, under a black wana be prep shirt.
music: The used
make-up: No.
smell: Dog
desktop picture:A sparrow holding a black rose in its mouth.
dvd in player: Drive thru
color of toenails: There normal color?

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched: un sexually? Brooke.

hugged: Pia
you imed: Cora.

you kissed: Pia

cuddled with:Pia

a r e | y o u

understanding: I try to be

open-minded: I dont know.
arrogant: Probably
insecure: For sure.

interesting: I'm sure im different, yeah.
hungry: No, I just ate lunch.
moody: Temramental
hardworking: HA
organized: Yeah, pretty much.
healthy: Not even close.
shy: I dont think so
attractive:Are snakes cute?No.
Bored Easily:Fucking right doggie
obsessed: With somethings
angry:To much
sad: Once in a while
happy: Usualy
hyper: I can be, yeah.
trusting: For the most part, yeah
talkative: To some people.
legal: Not a chance.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

kill: bill.
slap: Your mom.
get high with: Alot of people.
look like:Anyone but me
talk to offline: I plead the 5th, again.
talk to online: Whoever will IM me

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

coke or pepsi: Coke
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: short

r a n d o m

in the morning: Kill me
all you need is: Some one else.

love is: An illusion
last person you danced with: Dance?
worst question to ask: ?
worst statement: Your cute.

who makes you laugh the most: Cora.

who makes you smile: A few people.
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them:I am destined to keep that to myself.

who has a crush on you: Noone that I know of.

d o | y o u | e v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM On occasion
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Not hardly.
Wish you were younger: Not really.

n u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: In all seriousness, Never really.
of hearts i have broken: None to my knowledge.
of guys ive kissed:0

of girls i've kissed: 13.
of continents i have lived in: One
of tight friends: I dont know, 3, 4, 5, Somewhere in there.
of cds i own: About that many.
of scars on body: you count them all.Good luck
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