“Legend tells of a race of remarkable insects, the Ephermera, who inhabited a great forest. These noble creatures were blessed with great intelligence but were cursed with tragically short life spans. To the Ephermera, the forest seemed eternal and unchanging. Members of each generation lived out their brief lives without ever noticing changes in
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Comments 9
I guess it makes me feel unknowledgeable and lost in that, everytime I learn something new, it brings more questions to think about.
And yeah, when I wrote that post, I was exhibitng such a low feeling. It's really confidence that I want though. Although I used Masuimi as an example, it may not her style of confidence in particular that I want, just confidence in general...to do the things I want to do and say things that I mean to people(it's never anything negative though). Online I could do it, but in person, I get quiet.
I equate confidence with conviction, which can be a dangerous thing. Psychologically speaking confidence is often correlated with happiness, but I think it comes at a trade off of "open mindedness". I think there is a happy medium to be reached.
Still, I know what you mean. I think I can relate to you on some level and so I empathize with your desire.
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