Anpu gnaws absentmindedly on the rim of his top hat. (... so that's how it gets that way.) He removes his mouth from the hat to speak.
"Reincarnation. Life is cyclical by nature, but have you already spun the wheel once? Or more? Do you remember, have you forgotten? Would you like to see?"
mngmnt not responsible for outcomes of readings
reincarnation reading :: ink or tea leaves
3 card Tarot readings :: a secret
ankh charm :: 10¢
heart weighing :: empty, washed jar
jackal hybrid pups (5 1) :: free to good home
((OOC Note: unless you ask me to do otherwise, this will all be WOO MADE UP. Anpu, despite being a god, most of the time just makes stuff up himself because it's more fun that way. Also, I don't actually do Tarot readings, so don't kill me plz. I AM A FAKER YAY.))